Is working out in several short intervals really just as good?
It's almost as effective in terms of calorie burn, but I'm skeptical about it's effectiveness in terms of improving overall cardiovascular health. I think this suggestion is geared toward folks that can't find a 30-45 minute chunk of time to exercise during the day; three 15-minute sessions is better than none! Frankly, anything that helps you burn calories during the day is a great thing -
Good luck on your continuing journey -
If you have the time then I feel doing the 45min all at the same time is the best, BUT if you're strapped for time and have to break it up, its so much better to do that then to not do anything at all. So for me, my workout routine is based on my day~what I can fit in when, but just do it!!!!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"