weight loss after re-gain?
Hi Francie!
We have the same surgiversary month. I'm coming up on 3 years. Look at my post about hypoglycemia and hunger. I think I and others are having good results from the 5dpt to get us back on track. I think the other half of the equation though is exercise. You need to break the spiral. You eat more, gain weight, don't feel good, so you exercise less, which makes you eat more, gain weight.... Part of breaking the cycle is getting active again. I've really seen a change of energy and appetite, since I've been exercising again. Especially weight training since muscle burns fat. I've lost 6 pounds in a couple of weeks after struggling for months without any results.
Good luck!
Hey there, I have taken off 21 pounds after a regain. My numbers do fluctuate but I am now within 10 of my lowest. Like you, I knew I could do it, it was just deciding when to do it....I did and I am. The 5dpt was a wondeful beginnning for me, and I will pray that it is for you also.
I COULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS WITHOUT THE SUPPORT OF OH. These boards are truly what keep me on track, When I went back to basics, ( protein, water, and exercise) I did it on all levels, including checking in on some OH forum at least once a day, and logging what I eat. Good Luck to you!
Aliya....and lovin it

Please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you, even if you just need to be held accountable. I couldn't bear to come here for a while because of all of the sucess stories of my peers, sounds sad, but it's true. My mind is in a different place now, so I'm back in full effect!
Aliya....and lovin it