weight loss after re-gain?

on 1/22/08 2:11 pm
Here is my big question..... After reading posts from numerous people about weight gain after hitting goal and seeing many I know gain weight, and gaining 25-30 pounds myself in the last 2 years(i am 5 years post op). I am wondering if anyone can share that they have lost the re-gained weight after getting back on track? I need some encouragement. I know I can do it- my weight gain is all due to old bad habits, but I would love to hear success stories on this subject for motivation. I am on day 2 of 5dpt and feeling good. i hope I will have a success story to share soon. Francie Lap RNY/Feb 2003/ -145, but up 25 now  :(
Beatrice C.
on 1/22/08 11:13 pm - Claremont, CA

Hi Francie!

We have the same surgiversary month.  I'm coming up on 3 years.  Look at my post about hypoglycemia and hunger.  I think I and others are having good results from the 5dpt to get us back on track.  I think the other half of the equation though is exercise.  You need to break the spiral.   You eat more, gain weight, don't feel good, so you exercise less, which makes you eat more, gain weight....   Part of breaking the cycle is getting active again.  I've really seen a change of energy and appetite, since I've been exercising again.  Especially weight training since muscle burns fat.  I've lost 6 pounds in a couple of weeks after struggling for months without any results. 

 Good luck!

Beatrice HW223/SW217/CW121

It's great to live on in my work, but I rather live on in my apartment. ~ Woody Allen


on 3/23/08 2:51 pm
Hello my situation is a little different I am gaining weight because I can eat a big plate again my stapleline opened up and the did a repair but I am still able to eat to much compared to first postop surgury. I was limited to a 1/2 a cup and couldnt tolerate more. I am looking into band over bypass. I no its crazy and expensive. and discouraging. But I am trying to be possitive. Kathy
Beatrice C.
on 3/23/08 3:34 pm - Claremont, CA
I can eat quite a lot. I think you need to stop thinking you are going to be able to rely on just the surgical intervention to keep the weight off. The lap band can cause serious esophageal problems from reflux. I can eat full plates of food and more than 8 ozs of protein at a time. I'm not talking about mushy food either. I just have to exercise and stick to mostly protein, veggies and fruit so that my appetite is a little easier to manage. I'm an emotional eater, so it takes a lot of work, but I've managed to keep things under control. I think you are going to be disappointed if you think you're going to find that any surgical intervention is going to prevent you from physically from eating forever. But I wish you the very best.

Beatrice HW223/SW217/CW121

It's great to live on in my work, but I rather live on in my apartment. ~ Woody Allen


on 3/23/08 8:17 pm
Beatrice you are exactley right. I do need to work harder in my food choices but I do not think I should be able to eat that size of portions .I also have lupus which limits my activity that why I gained so much in the first place due to a disability and inactivity. Kathy
Beatrice C.
on 3/24/08 2:13 am - Claremont, CA
Wow Kathy, I have a friend with Lupus and know it can be rough. I feel for you. You know research is showing that one of the best things you can do for weight loss is just walking at a moderate rate (not winded). It actually does more to increase your metabolism than heavier cardio/aerobic workouts. I've taken to walking with my Golden Retriever Jake. He's 10 and it has done wonders for his arthritic hip as well. Maybe on days that you feel a little better, you can start taking some walks. Anything is better than nothing. It may even help improve the lu*****mptoms since it can help reduce some stress as well. I'm not in your body, and I don't want you to think I think I know how you feel, but I think any positive steps you can take have got to be better than nothing. I will be thinking of you. I'm not religious, but I'll be sending some good thoughts. I really hope that you'll start feeling better soon. This has been a difficult journey for you. Take care and let me know how you are doing or drop a line if you need some encouragement.

Beatrice HW223/SW217/CW121

It's great to live on in my work, but I rather live on in my apartment. ~ Woody Allen


on 1/23/08 12:30 am - South El Monte, CA
you know I agree with Beatrice.. I was fighting the same 7-10 lbs.. up down.. up down.. up down.. and frustrated.. but that was with NO exercise.. and ya know if FEELS so much better to get out & do stuff... the hard part is to actually get out there.. but I know that once I am up and out doign something.. or exercising.. I feeel so complete... the THOUGHT of getting up and going for a walk.. grr..but while I am walking I feel great..  so take your time.. baby steps if its a walk for you or a bike ride.. or even just a few sit ups a night.. it will all count & help you on your goal..  You can do this..
on 1/23/08 6:08 am - somerville, NJ

Hey there, I have taken off 21 pounds after a regain. My numbers do fluctuate but I am now within 10 of my lowest. Like you, I knew I could do it, it was just deciding when to do it....I did and I am. The 5dpt was a wondeful beginnning for me, and I will pray that it is for you also.    *Disclaimer*  I COULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS WITHOUT THE SUPPORT OF OH. These boards are truly what keep me on track, When I went back to basics, ( protein, water, and exercise) I did it on all levels, including checking in on some OH forum at least once a day, and logging what I eat. Good Luck to you! 

Aliya....and lovin it

on 1/23/08 6:28 am
I am sooo happy for you and encouraged! I am so glad to hear you lost what you re-gained. I am  glad to be back on OH. I used to be here CONSTANTLY pre-op and the first 6 months, then I slowly but surely stopped logging on, ansd strangely enough began to gain weight. I don't even remember my old password and had to start a new account. lol ! So far the 5dpt has been pretty easy for me. I am 1/2 way thru day 3.  Thank again for responding, and again congratulations!!!! Francie
on 1/23/08 6:36 am - somerville, NJ

Please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you, even if you just need to be held accountable. I couldn't bear to come here for a while because of all of the sucess stories of my peers, sounds sad, but it's true. My mind is in a different place now, so I'm back in full effect!

Aliya....and lovin it

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