Fatty Liver Disease

Sheri A.
on 1/22/08 8:47 am
Is anyone out there familiar with fatty liver disease? My liver function were elevated and an ultrasound showed I have a fatty liver. I had surgery Nov. 2006 and am thin now but I still have diabetes. The Mayoclinic website says that gastric bypass and insulin resistance are risk factors for this. I am really scared and will call to see my gastro. tomorrow. My endocrinologist is not able to treat me further but she seems optimistic that this is something that can be controlled...I hope so! I thought you only had a fatty liver before surgery as a result of obesity...GO figure.
on 1/22/08 9:41 am - Alexandria, LA
I was diagnosed with what they call Non-Alcoholic Steototahepatitis,  NASH for short, the day I went in for my gastric bypass.  The surgeon said my liver looked like I had been drinking for years and was quite yellow.  It's pretty much caused by being obese and the only cure is weight loss.  The surgeon told me that it would have been another reason to be approved for surgery.  The problem i that it is also made worse by rapid weight loss.  In the months after surgery, my liver enzymes got worse.  The surgeon predicted this and I was under the care of a specialist just to make sure things went in the right direction.  It took a long time and all of a sudden the numbers went back down quite quickly.  When they went back in to do my gallbladder removal, he said I had a beautiful liver!   I think sometimes the shock on our systems after surgery can send these numbers up and I hope they do an actual biopsy to test the liver.  This is really the only way they will know since you are no longer overweight and all.  Goodluck! Rachael

Ruth A.
on 1/22/08 4:51 pm - Letchworth Garden City, UK
I ditto everything Rachal has said - I had liver disease before wls and then about 6 months after my levels went sky high and the doctor was very concerned.  He decided to wait a few months to see if it was the fast weight loss causing it, and my liver sorted itself out. Dont worry too much, just make sure they follow through and answer all your concerns and questions.
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