Did You Move To Lose Today? Deep Freeze!

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
I live about 20 miles from Green Bay so we have the same weather, very cold. The game was good, to bad the packers lost but then someone had to lose. I have off today from my new job at the bank( Martin Luther King) day, kinda a nice perk. I did my 1/2 hour on the treadmill, then weight lifted for 1/2 hour, then a nice relaxing bubble bath. Sooths the muscles. Its snowing here now ,we are suppose to get 4 - 6 inches by tomarrow morning. Thats what we get for living in wisconsin, but then the weather is screwed up everywhere. Have a good one, Debra
That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Wow, Look at all us WI movers!
Yesterday I did 15 mins on the recumbent bike and 20 on the forest walk on the treadmill.
I was going to do weights but with everything I have to get done b4 my trip to Can****here were just not enough hours in the day
I am off too because of MLK day so there is a 4:15 body sculpt class I am going to TRY. I'll do what I can. I am trying to get some core/muscle work into my routine.
Tonight is my sleep study and I am looking forward to the results. This is my 1st one post op and would like to know if I am still experincing apena, I no longer snore but still have sleepyness and feel like I want to doze off when I drive in the afternoon. Dont worry. I am careful and pull over if that starts to happen.
This also could attribute to my stall in weight loss if I am not getting good sleep.
6 days to Canun!
Keep it moving my hearty cold weather friends,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130