Bowel Movements *Sorry*
Ok. Sorry about the subject line but thats pretty much what the question is about. I had RNY done almost two and a half years ago. And i've been doing pretty good with the exception of some low iron over the last year. I have to admit i haven't been taking my supplement for over six months now as soon as the iron went back up to almost normal i stopped taking it.
Ok back to the real question. I'm just wondering is it normal this many years out that i still don't have a really hard bowl movement that it's still pretty loose. Or did I miss that part in my pre studying of the surgery. LOL. I can live with it but would definitely like to know if there is a way to improve it.
I actually had such a rough menstral cycle a few days back that between the pain and bowel movements and ofcourse sweating from the pain it landed me in the ER via ambulance. My blood pressure had dropped to 74/48. I honestly believe that the pain may have been exagerated even though I do have rough monthly cycles. But still i think it was exagerated from being dehydrated. So if it's not normal then I would like to do something about it. But if it is normal maybe some tips on improving it from some of the other grads out there.
Sorry if this was long winded. Really . I confess I should have asked this question over a year ago.
Have a great day everyone
I'm not sure if what you're experiencing is normal or not. I know I almost have the opposite problem.
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
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I don't know how bad your problem is, but be happy you don't have the opposite problem. I have to take daily fiber, Activia yogurt, and stool softeners daily or nothing happens. Maybe if you start taking your iron regularly, it might help. I can't handle iron because it stops everything right up!
Good luck!