ooo A Biker chick! How cool is that?
We had another full day. While hubby was helping a friend's uncle move, I got to go SHOPPING for four hours. Yeah! I got all sorts of great stuff AND went shopping at my favorite place (American Way, used stuff) and bought 3 pairs jeans, 2 skirts, 1 shirt and two sweaters...$18 bucks..I'm such a cheapo!
Breakfast: Malto meals, wheat germ, soy milk and a banana with coffee
Lunch: 2 eggs with about 2/3 cup of home fried pototes with veggies and sausage gravy
Snack: Balance Bar, organic. Cheese stick,
Late Snack: NF Cottage Cheese, SF Preserves, SoBe Granola Cluster pack
Dinner: Chicken Breast, 1/2 cup cooked mixed vegetables.
Bedtime snack: 1 4oz cup Dannon Yogurt
It was a really early and really late night. iwas up till 10 pm planning the details of the wedding and reception with my daughter..No excuses.
Calories: 2070
Fat: 87
Carbs: 180'
Protein: 153