anti-inflammatory drugs---hut knee
Ruby R.
on 1/19/08 8:47 am
on 1/19/08 8:47 am
I put this on the main board but decided to put it here, too.
I have hurt my knee exercising. I am seeing an orthopaetic doctor. I told him I can not take anti-inflammatory drugs because of my gastic bypass. I am wondering if they can be given as injections?
Anybody know about this??
RNY 3/11/2005
I had gastric bypass on 1/2/06 and a full knee replacement on 6/6/06. Between the gastric and replacement, I had several cortisone injections in my knee and had no problems. Had I not had the gastric, I would not have had the success that I enjoy with my replacement. I need to replace the right knee and hope to hold off until 2009. Even though I cannot take the anti-inflammatory drugs on a regular basis, I get much relief from the injections. Best of luck to you!
Ruby R.
on 1/19/08 10:11 am
on 1/19/08 10:11 am
Thanks for the reply. Pain is not my problem. I can handle pain with tylenol, but I want this knee to heal so I can get back to gym. I struggle to not gain weight back. I am having PS revision in ten days, so I guess I will get some rest then.
I am glad the wls and knee replacement went well for you. My DH had knee replace in May '06. It went well for him too. Patricia
Check with your doc about anti inflammatory drugs. My surgeon allows them with certain restrictions. On a full stomach only and for short periods of time - like for an injury till it heals or after dental work, cramps, muscle tear, etc. Eat something first - yogurt is recommended to coat the stomach. Now that Advil comes in liquid gels many docs are lifting the no n'saids restriction as they don't disolve the same way in the pouch and hurt our new system. I've been taking Advil for 5 years now - since I was a year out, for everything from post surgical pain, broken bone, muscle aches, tear in a tendon or dental work. I limit it to 5 days or less, always on a full stomach and now take the liquid gels - I have never had a problem, Check with your doc but with the right adjustments we can get the benefits of anti inflammatory drugs if we need them.