Friday weigh in

Hi everyone Not sure what's going on with my body this week. Part way through the week I logged my food onto fitday and realised that my calories were very low, without me realising so have been trying to up them with nutricious (sp?) rather than empty calories. Anyway, here are the numbers, I'm hoping next week I'll see a drop Last week - 167 This week - 171
Today is my last day of the 5DPT and I survived and feel back in control! I jumped up to 200 this week and this morning I was at 195. Carla, you are an
for starting these threads! What sould my numbers be if I want to loose? I should know this but am a bit rusty. I have worked out every day this week so I know I have to feed my body too. I am saying I lost 5 pounds this week AND I lost the Carb Monster I hope!
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal