started a new job and have lost 3 pounds this week
I have been retired for 3 years and I finally decided it was time to go back to work. I got a job as a bank teller and its really fun. A little overwhelming, alot to learn. One of the main reasons I decided to go back was to get my "grazing" under control and so far its worked and Ive lost 3 pounds. Im only working 5 hour shifts, like today was 9-2 and tomarrow 12:30 - 5:30 but it gets me out of the house and away from the cupboards. I take along a hard boiled egg, some cheese, yogurt, almonds all good stuff. Whats really nice is the other girls stated weigh****chers the first of the year so that makes it really easy also. Anyway just wanted to share whats going on with me, hope everyone is doing great, Debra