angry, confused and so mad at my Surgeon
Hi Diana:
I probably can't help, but I CAN sympathize. I am only just over a year out, but stopped losing at 10 months and am now almost 15 months out. I am following the rules, get up at 4 am to exercise every day and feel like a failure at this too.
Granted, I lost 20 pounds in the year before surgery, 11 pounds on the liquid diet, and a whopping 61 pounds in the first 10 months, so I AM grateful, but no where NEAR goal.
When I ask my surgery team about it, they just say........"Don't worry, you are not done losing, it will start again, nothing is wrong, you are doing everything right, nothing is broken (they pretty much claim that it would be impossible for it to be broken), yada, yada, yada........"
I have been complaining about slow to no loss almost since the beginning, but they say not to worry. Easy for THEM!
When I saw them in October, the nut said if nothing changed in 2 months to contact her and she would take a closer look at my food logs (which I had with me at the time....). So, I have been logging everything onto SparkPeople every day and emailed her everything last week and have not heard a word.
So......sorry to jump on your vent, I just wanted to let you know that you are NOT alone.
Don't give up on the exercise though because it really IS very good for you and eventually, you will kind of grow to like it.
I will watch this thread though an see if someone has any sage advise to offer.
Hang in there, what else can we do?