anyone with constant temple headaches??
I never want to say that something I have after GB is a result of my WLS but now the Dr and I are running out of reasons so I have come here to ask.
2 months ago today actually I started having a horrible headache in my right temple.
It hurt to touch it and it radiated behind my eye and into my check. I have had every test known to man and went to every specialist. I even had a temperal artilry biopsy and it was neg. for arthiritis in my artiry.
we are down to really " we have no clue."
anyone have this and have any idea?
My labs were done 2 weeks before the headache began and were all normal. My be-12 was normal but nearing low so I was started on that but doesn't seem to be the problem. I drink and eat. I was started on steroids for 5 weeks which caused a 15 pound weight gain (lovely) other than that no other symptoms. the headach comes and goes but the pressure is always there. I have been on migraine meds for 1 weeks and am going back to the Dr on thurs. The meds may be helping who knows since I am better some time sometimes not. My life is stressful but no more than anyone else.
if anyone had any ideas please help, Jennifer
Thank you both so much for replying. I was off with the kids sorry it took me awhile to get back to you.
OK here goes. I don't do a sweeters alot but do splenda when I do drink coffee (decaf) which may be once a week. I have always done that even before wls so that is not somthing new I have started. I have had all my labs run some that my dr says they never run but why not try and everything is coming back normal. I have no clue.
I myself am leaning toward a tmj thing. I have never been told I had it but definetly have the symptoms on that side and am setting up an appointment with my dentist to start that side of it.
once again thanks for letting me know you are listening, Jennifer
Yes I get nasty headaches. To the point that my topamax does not work. And lately I have ended up going in and getting a caffeine iv for them. I found two things that caused them after many tests and many visits to different dr's. One is when I get that time of the month for more than two weeks. And the other is when I try and due fine needle work. Seeing with age that my right eye has changed so much. In the last three years. No the eye dr and the neuro dr are not blaming it on wls. They said with the change in my eye site in my right eye is due to my age getting up there. Yes My headaches are on the right also. I hope this helps you out. And good luck that they find a answer for you soon. Taichi
I have tmj and that is where the headaches are - in the temples. Sometimes they are so bad that only a sleeping pill will do. My dentist did a mold of my teeth and made me a splint that I wear at night. I have been on this therapy for about 3 years and am doing quite well. When I feel it start up again, I find my splint and in a few days it is gone.
Hope this helps!
Diona Austill
Miles City, MT
Miles City, MT