5dpt question
This is for those who have completed the 5dpt or know more about it. Is there a limit to the number of carbs allowed during the five days? I am on day 1 and have consumed 122.50 carbs just from the soups and protein drink..I am still working on the water thing, I have another 20 oz minimum to drink but I was curious about the carbs.
Today's totals
cal: 860
fat: 23
carb: 122.50
**avatar photo =my 2 little sisters**
366/249/286-WORKING TO LOSE!!!
I have the same question. Here are my numbers:
Totals calorie1235
Total Fat 17
Total Carbs122
Total Protien 147
I drank tons of water too.
I was very head hungry this evening so I probebly ate too much pea soup. Day one down!

Back on Track Dana
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal

Thank you :) I was afraid there was a limit but I never saw it on the site. I just got back from my walk too..1 MILE!! :) I feel good...
**avatar photo =my 2 little sisters**
366/249/286-WORKING TO LOSE!!!
I thought the soups were kinda carby so I stayed away, but I don't think there is a limit.
I have a hard time with water, I am trying my best. I just drank 4 cups in a row. I added "True Lime" which made it more palateable for me.
I was so regimented when I had surgery. I had a long commute so I would have a large water, then decaf coffee, get to work, wait 1/2 hour and drink my shake, then 1/2 hour, then water water water, then 1/2 hour then lunch.
Now, I have no schedule, my commute is only 10 minutes lol.
Day 2...IM HUNGRY :( I had half cup of soup and im working on water but im craving something chewey :(
**avatar photo =my 2 little sisters**
366/249/286-WORKING TO LOSE!!!
What Protien Drink are you using. Mine has 56 g of protein and I just had my Second one for the day. The head hunger is hard!!!!!!! Ca't wait till tommorow and some Tuna! Do we still drink Protien Drinks tommorow?
Back on Track Dana
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal