Hey everyone, this coming September I will be 4 years out and I have not had the best success with my weight loss. I am starting the 5dpt tomorrow and I am kind of scared. I have tried this before but by the end of day 1 I was literally weak from not eating. I don't have the greatest support system at home and that is part of my downfall, I watch others and don't pay attention to myself. I am hoping that someone here would be kind enough to be my "buddy" over the next 5 days. I would appreciate any and all encouragment. E-mail is definately accepted considering I don't have access to the computer at work which is where I get bad (I work inside a local pizza hut inside target and their breadsticks call my name). I do have my cell phone though which I have my email at [email protected] I would really appreciate anything! I kind of sound like a whining baby right now but I need more than what I am getting at home.
I would also love to hear imput for those who have tried the 5dpt before!
**avatar photo =my 2 little sisters**
366/249/286-WORKING TO LOSE!!!
Hiya , i am 21/2 yrs post op and i have lost about 90 pounds about 50 pounds shy of my goal..i tryed the 5day test last week yes it was hard but you get threw it ...i would love to be your buddyin this.. actually i am gonna try the 5 day again i was thinking so hey we can do it together if you like well just be strong.. have you gotten your protein shakes? i bought boost..high protein which is high in calories i think so i bought slimfast optima drinks they are lower in calories a little lower in protein but you can always add proetin powder.. or for cheap protein powder i always used powdered milk..which worked for me well get back to me Amber
I just made it through day 2 of the 5DPT and wow, I made it! You can too!
The first day was HORRIBLE. I had so much head hunger and all I did was whine to my fiance. But, he helped me make it through. Today I felt like I had much more control, and I'm looking forward to having an egg tomorrow and some canned salmon.
I think this is a good idea. Although I have stayed at my goal, I decided to do this because some of my friends from a local support group were thinking of doing it and I wanted to know what it was about.
I realize I have been grazing and eating too many carbs, and this is a great re-focus. Especially because my wedding is coming.
I'm rooting for you!
This is probebly a dumb question but what is the 5 day pouch test? Explain and I may start it tommorow if I can figure out what it is. I am open for phone calls and such to help you through it. I have just gotten myself back on track and am willing to try things. Someone just explain to me what this test is?
Back on Track Dana
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal

K, I read what this is and I started it this Morning, I have had 2 Protien drinks, 64 ounces of water, tomato soup and a suger free mocha, plus all my supplements. If you need support throught this you can email me and I can call you. [email protected] is my email.
Back on Track Dana
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal

Day 1 is almost over and it's not as bad as before. I have had 1 protein drink, 1 can of broccolli cheese soup, 36 oz of water and I am working on a can of split pea soup. I know it doesn't sound like much but it took me 2 hours just to drink the protein LOL I didn't really get hungry until about 5:00 I guess. I am getting ready for my walk in afew minutes then I will have some more water or maybe another protein drink :) How is everyone else holding up?
**avatar photo =my 2 little sisters**
366/249/286-WORKING TO LOSE!!!