Pain question 2 years out

Michele B.
on 1/12/08 9:04 am
not sure if this has anything to do with my 'newer' insides or not but I thought I would ask.  For 2 days I have had stomach pains.  My muscles in my stomach feel like I pulled all of them or did a hundred situps (which I didn't!) but I have localized pain on my left side under my ribs.  When I eat or drink i can almost feel the food or liquid go down and then I get bad cramps that are quickly gone.  I just wonder if anyone else ever experienced this?  Thanks Michele
A Q.
on 1/12/08 9:34 am - Houston, TX
I have never experienced that but do you still have your gallbladder? Appendix? I would have that checked out. Obviously, I am not good with anatomy but it sounds like something that needs to be "scanned", especially if you cannot explain the pain. Even a dull ache might be something serious or maybe nothing at all. Keep us posted!! Angela


"What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you."

RNY - 12/8/06 ; WT 233.6 ; Goal WT 130 ; Height 5'2
Tummy tuck - 9/24/07;  breast lift/reduction October 2012

Angela in Houston


Michele B.
on 1/12/08 11:13 am
I still have both...I will go in on Monday an have it checked then... Thanks for your reply.  Michele
annette R.
on 1/12/08 9:59 pm - ithaca, NY
Yes Michelle, I had a similar problem. Nothing showed up on 2 CT Scans, done almost a month apart, but the pain got progressively worse so he did surgery. The surgeon found an internal hernia, adhesions and a bowel compression when he went in. He couldn't tell if this was the result of WLS or previous abdominal surgeries over the years. It was lap surgery and I was up and about immediately afterwards feeling so much better. Back to work in about 10 days. Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 1/12/08 11:10 pm - montgomery, AL
same thing with me over the course of a few months, off and on, and then on christmas eve.....I thought I had rumptured something! severe abdominal pain to the upper epigastric region. Rushed to the ER.....multiple doses of morphine and dilaudid and I didn't feel any better until I vomitted several times and got rid of all my food. Two days later and still not swallowing anything, I went to my bariatric surgeon who did another laproscaopic procedure and found herniation of the small intestines. He corrected it, but left me slightly disfigured. He says this is a complication of about 2% of us and usually happens to those who do the best and loose the most weight! Go back to your surgeon! Eat easy until then.
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