Your post caught my interest and I looked at a medical site and found this at web md, infections and low blood sugar could trigger seizures in people without a history of seizures. Maybe that could be checked out to see if either were what caused yours.
I hope this was an isolated incident and you don't have any further problems.
All the best
Hi MM,
I don't have anything in the way of an answer, but I wanted to say I am so happy you are feeling better! I was worried after your Mom posted. I hope you get some answers soon! You are one of my faves!
I don't have anything in the way of an answer, but I wanted to say I am so happy you are feeling better! I was worried after your Mom posted. I hope you get some answers soon! You are one of my faves!
Lisa O
I saw two shooting stars last night
I wished on them, but they were only satellites
Its wrong to wish on space hardware
I wish, I wish, I wish you cared--Kirsty McColl
Dear MM,
I would assume since you were at a private drs office, they called 911 and a emergancy squad came out to get you. Is that correct? Did anyone take your blood sugar at that time? Most paramedics are trained if anyone has a loss of consciousness, they were immed take a blood sugar as one of thier first checks. I wonder if you got all sweaty? Do you remember any aura or anything fixing to happen?
And if its your blood sugar, I am sure no doctor will poo poo it off and assume its that til they proof to themselves and you that there was nothing else but that.
But as a ER nurse, my first were you getting woozy and fading right before this happened?
I hope you get to the bottom of this soon. It can be so distressing. What tests are they putting you thru now? EEG?
Sandy aka LinZhi's Mum
I had no warning signs or symptoms of this event.
I was standing in front of a surgeon, in his hospital office, chatting away, when I was told that I turned around, told my husband that I "needed sugar," and that I was "sorry," for being out of it.
I then dropped into a seizure, the nurse that came in a little while ago called it "clonic?" I have zero memory of any of it. My husband says they called a code, and paramedics took me across the street to the ER in the same hospital, and by the time my sugar was checked, it was normal. I don't know how long that was.
I'm in a video EEG right now - have been for 30+ hours. Nothing is happening. I had a low this morning after eating breakfast, but it didn't trigger anything like I thought it might.