Wow awesome day for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FANTASTIC...
I literally was one month from death, and totally unaware of it.... If I had not looked into WLS, gone to a Doctor, I would be dead today. I had the silent killers lurking inside me... Diabetes, High BP, High Cholesterol... No symptoms, nothing, I felt fit as a fiddle, just thought it would be cool to go to my 30 year class reunion skinny. I really thought that you went into the hospital, and they took piano wire, cut off the fat, and bingo your skinny. Had no idea what it all entailed... HUGE wake up call in continuing with the support groups to learn all I could... I knew I would DIE from all the lifestyle changes I had to make. WRONG, I now LIVE !!!!
Was thinking many of your thoughts today as well. I remember running around in shorts and tank in 50 degree weather thinking ahhhh relief from sweat... Now its SOCKS, SOCKS and more SOCKS... Sweaters, pants, clothing in general... Hubby had to go buy me socks, didn't own any, but knew I needed something to stay warm...
Then the energy level... I was pretty active even at 379... but to now where I say, we gotta go walk, can't just sit around........ I love walking, moving even more than before... But to feel great while doing it... No more sore feet, legs, back... Just exhileration at doing it all the time !!!
Hubby has no clue he goes hiking, I just tell him lets go for a nice walk... hee hee
Life is a grand play and I am the star of the show.............
B= Protein shake 20g protein
Protein bar 13g protein
L= Turkey pepperoni w/melted cheese 6 ozs
49g protein
1/4 c steamed cabbage
S= 2 cheese sticks w/ 3 triscuits 14g protein
D= 6 ozs baby back ribs 42g protein
1/4 c smashed sweet taters
S= 5 oz protein pudding 25g protein
Bedtime= 1 AchievOne 20g protein
H2O=152 ozs
Protein 183g
A smile can brighten someone else’s day
WLS 11/27/06 Lap RNY
379/ 313/ 173/ HEALTHY !!!Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal
"Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD"
Living in Beautiful Sunnyvale California, via Arkansas (Go Hogs) via Washington State, via born and raised in Oregon.. What a journey..