Yeah I know, dumb question
OK, I will be 4 yrs post-op in I should know this, just wanting feedback... I am guessing I should get back on protein shakes...I never really minded them. I stopped drinking them when I was pregnant, because I was worried about the artificial sweeteners. I have actually done great at maintaining my weight, even lost a bit more after my daughter was born...but in the back of my head I WOULD like to lose 15 more. I sincerely doubt I am getting enough protein in. I am guessing this would be a good thing in helping with maintenance and losing. OK, so not a question...just feedback...thanks!
Whether you should or shouldn't drink protein shakes depends on how much protein you are taking in each day. If you can take in 100mg without shakes, there is no need to supplement. After a rough holiday season, I've gone back to basics, started food journalling on fitday again after a long break. That would probably help more than anything -- journalling -- then adjust your calories and supplements based on the results.
~~ Judy ~~
That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
Hi Lena,
I am almost 3 1/2 yrs. post-op--struggling w/ 30-35 lbs. of re-gain over the past 18 mo. Since the holidays are over, I've been using some protein drinks (not necessarily every day) while I'm "detoxing" from all the ridiculous crap I had been eating and the old habits that I thought I'd never let back into my life.
With that said, I mainly used protein drinks during the early months until I could get all my protein from food. I never had any problems eating any kinds of meat or fish, and I love cheese, cottage cheese, and other sources of protein, so it was pretty easy. During the time I was maintaining, I virtually NEVER drank any protein shakes/drinks.
I think you sound like you're doing wonderful with your weight. You don't say how much protein you're getting in. If you're consuming about 70-75 g. (minimum), I don't see any reason why you should add the protein shakes/drinks. If you're not consistently pretty close to that, then there's sure no harm in adding them!
