Did You Move To Lose Today? It's a Miracle!
OMGosh, I can't believe it......last week I was whining that it was below zero here and now it's going to be in the 60's.
Now while I am so happy, it's really scary....I do think the world is coming to an end with in Chicago, in Jan. it's in the 60's
That being said, I am going to take my Rocky and get out and walk and then see if I can find my bike and ride before the rain hits later today.
Hit the gym this weekend and did some arms and cardiio. Then I spent the rest of the weekend cleaning like it was spring. Trying to get ready to do some painting...
So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today? Come on in and let'**** the ground running this week
Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
I hear ya Kathy! Its 60 here in PA too~unheard of for Jan!!!!!!! But that's good for me~Jim and I did 3miles outside this morning and then hit the gym for a full body workout. It felt so good after being lazy for a few weeks and I am definitely recommited to my workout schedule!
Hope all is well with everyone!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Hi Tracy,
Welcome Back! We have missed you....
My gosh girl are you trying to kill yourself? Take it slow getting back ok? I don't want to see you in traction or something
Man, I wish my guy would workout with me
You did a great job and yes this weather is to die for
See ya tomorrow

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Isn't this weather strange? But I'll take it!
I live in NW Illinois, on a farm that is fast getting really MUDDY! But that is better than the ice we have had. At least we can walk in the mud (me and the fur-babies that is)!
Yesterday I took a long walk through the pastures and it felt so so good to be outside!
We are supposed to get rain today too....I won't melt so that won't stop me.
Enjoy the warm up, it's not supposed to last!
Hello from Wisconsin, its 40 degrees here and raining, almost all the snow is melted, very unusual in January. I did my 2 miles on the treadmill and did weight lifting with my hubby, he is a good coach, although most of the time I have to coak him to workout. Yesterday I tried reving up my speed on the treadmill but it hurt my knees to much. I usually start out at 3mph for about 5 min then go up to 3.5 mph and end up at 3.7 mph, I tried 4mph but i guess Im not ready for that. I have arthritis and bone spurs in my knees so have to be careful. I read alot of workout magazines and they say that 4 mph is just a warm up, that must be for young skinny people, Im 53 and weigh 164, just cant do it. Well hope everyone is "moving to lose today", Debra
Hey Debra,
I have bad knees also...I can't get past 3.4. So since running is not an option I increase my incline. I do an incline of 8 or 10....you will have to work up to this. But try staying at a speed you can handle like speed walking but increase your incline. Go for a 4 or 5 after the first mile and then increase it every mile. You WILL get a great workout as if you are running fast.....
Let me know if that helps
See you tomorrow

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Hey y'all, checking in here from 60 degree Michigan. I need to get outside today, just to experience the warmth!!! But, I am still a big chicken walking outside, don't know why, it's one of those things I need to get over.
So, I did my workout here inside today. I've been good at doing my four days a week, even if i haven't been posting about it. Today it was the WATP 4 Fast Miles. I'll tell you girls, this one whoops my butt. I've been doing different Leslie dvd's for two years now, including the 5 mile Advanced, and 4 mile Challenge, but this new one is much harder. After I've done this dvd, I'm covered in sweat and tired. It has five interval segments: 3 minutes of fast walking alternating with 2 minutes of jogging. That is the middle section of the dvd. Like the other Debra, I have arthritic knees and shoulders, so I have to be really careful with anything over low impact. I'm doing okay so far with this new dvd, but I can sure feel the extra intensity. There is no way I can keep up with 4mph on a treadmill. I wish I could, but I can't. Or, only for very, very brief intervals. 3.7-3.8mph is the fastest I do the treadmill.
I bought my husband an in-place stepper exerciser that has resistance bands. I haven't tried using it yet. I thought it would be good for those times I want to watch the news, yet be moving.
Weight is still up about 3 pounds from where I would like it to be. I have been doing some emotional eating the last week, having family issues with the youngest child. I am recognizing what I am doing with the food, however, and resolving to address it.
Hope you enjoy your heat waves.
Debra M.
Hi Debra,
Why do you feel uncomfortable walking outside? Try putting your tunes on loud and just look forward and enjoy the view and music and don't worry about anyone or anything. You are doing a great job and you are walking towards the new you girl!!!!
I will have to give that DVD a try, sounds ROCKIN!!!!!
There was no one more determined to not put weight back on and and keep it off than me. Then I went through marriage stuff and turned to bad eating again, and guess what? The pounds came on. I didn't keep my workouts going and that was the biggest factor of all for the weight gain. Now I am struggling like everyone else to get it off again.
You hang in there and we wills see you tomorrow, again thanks for sharing the dvd's.

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130