OK gang here is my dilema....2 weeks ago today I started waking up at 5 am to get on the treadmill before work. I have also almost totally given up sweets. I also stopped my one morning cup of coffee because I figured I should give up the cream. 2 weeks later I am up 3 pounds !!!!! WTF????
This always happens to me. & Please dont say I must be putting on muscle because that just makes me crazy (not that it takes much) worst part is Now I have lost my motivation. I know I know I should just keep doing it and it will eventually come off but man oh man I am so sick of busting my butt, hating life because im missing foods & then seeing the scale go up. UGH
So anyone else have this problem?
RNY 9/17/03
360/196/forever aiming at 180
No, you are not alone. This happens to me too! And there is no way it can be muscle as I would look like the muscle man of the universe by now if it was!!!
Sadly, I don't have any answers either. You've done really well so far, so all I can suggest is that you find what works for YOUR body, (and that may change each month if you are anything like me!) and go with that....
Sorry you are feeling like this after working so hard.
Hi Diana!!!! I don't have any good answers for you~my body acts crazy and has a mind of its own too! It really can drive a person crazy! It sounds like you have a good thing going though, so don't give up! With the colder weather I have taken to drinking s/f internation french vanilla cafe or coffee with the new splenda flavored sugars~I like french vanilla and caramel the best. I commend you for giving up sweets too~I overindulged WAY too much over the holidays so I'm off the sweets right now too. Just hang in there~you are the hardest working woman I know and I look up to your determination immensly!!!!!!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Tracy , My biggest supporter & listener to my complaints :-)
I am hanging on as long as I can. I was "luckily" sick thru the holidays so I did not over indulge but once again for the last 6 months I am at a stand still. My 40th Birthday is May 5 and I swear by the power of grey skull (ok if you get that your old like me hehehe) that I will finally be at 180 by my 40th Birthday. I refuse to surrender but am so times it feels like my own body hates me.
I was on the treadmill this am and will be on it again tonite but hating it :-)
PS for someone I never met I sure do depend on you alot :-)
40 is only messing with my head because I have never gievn birth (my daughter is adopted) and I always planned on having a baby but 40 is OLD especially since my pooh bear had a vasectomy when he was 22 (alwasy knew he didnt want brats) anyway I still want to experience being pregant etc....I am even thinking about offering myself for surregacy but in the "professional" world you surragacy they want you to have had your won children... darn shame too cause I dont know anyone who needs it personally Diana
I am so sorry to hear that. How frustrating! My initial thought is that you are probably adjusting to the change of cutting coffee out of your diet. Coffee is a diuretic and can also stimulate your bowels so I wonder if maybe you are just retaining some weight because you haven't been "eliminating" the same way your body is used to? Not saying that you should go back to drinking coffee every day, but maybe increase your fluids and fiber to get things "going" again. (Assuming that is the issue.)
OR- maybe it's just so darn cold outside that your body's trying to conserve fat for you. I only say that because it's like 2 degrees here and I am also struggling to lose. I feel like a bear in winter. ;)
I could be totally wrong, but just my 2cents.
Thanks for your 2 cents...I need all the cents I can get heheh my "elimination"habit have not changed and I am anal enough to keep records to know for sure. I dont know what is happening but I will win this battle even if I have to cut my hair & Nail...wear a bra & a thonge at my next weigh in. Thank Goodness the room will be locked heheh
Any muscle soreness from working out? I would think that our bodies would think of muscle soreness from working out as in "injury" like other injuries that it would cause some swelling in response therefore the muscles would hold onto water. Once your body adapts to the workouts and you aren't sore, I'd assume that the water weight would be gone. Good theory?
It sure beats the "you've gained muscle" idea. From what I've read, it takes a bit to gain a lb of muscle.
Are you drinking enough fluids? Dehydration causes water to be retained.
Are you eating enough? Gotta fuel those workouts.
That's all I can bring to the table.
Good luck, K

~Rich~6'5.0"~open RNY~08/05/2004~>500+/450/437/250/239/320(high/consult/preop/goal/low/current)