5 Day Pouch Test...modified
Happy New Year!! A little background first...I'm a lurker, and don't have much time to come online anymore. Christmas Break rolled around and I got on a scale....EEK!!!!!!!! I gained 13 pounds in 6 months! I started a new job in August, plus I'm going to school full-time. These events are not the excuse for the weight gain. It's the laziness that crept in. It was easier to eat the lunch in the school cafeteria, rather than bring my own lunch. I couldn't eat even 2/3 of the kids' serving(it's an elementary school), but it was what the food was, apparently. I thought my body could handle the carbs involved, since I'm usually diligent about the other food I put in my mouth. UUHHHH.....NOPE! The funny(sad) part about my weight gain is that I would have probably gained that much every month for my period before the surgery! I've read about others tackling the 5 day pouch test, and thought I'd give it a shot. However, I can't make myself go full-on liquid ever again, unless I'm having surgery. I had the split pea soup for the first two days, added a 1/2 slice bacon to each 1-cup serving. I did drink more water in the past couple of days than a camel, and I could almost count my trips to the bathroom as my workout routine!!!! Day 3 was modified also, as I decided to do chef's salads with salad dressing spritzer. I did NOT lose any weight for the first 3 days, but that was okay. I realized that I was no longer slamming the kitchen cupboards open/closed looking for those D*&N cheese crackers!!! I got up this morning and was pleasantly surprised that I lost 3.5#!!! As long as I stay away from the icky carbs, I should be back on track! Yea me!!