I got a job!!!!!, this will really help.
My husband and I retired 3 years ago( I was only 50 at that time ). In the last year I have gained 15 pounds and really need to get out of the house so I stop grazing. I finally applied for a job at a local bank as a teller, never did this kind of work before. My hours are from 12:30 noon, to 5:30pm, perfect to get me out of the house for the afternoon. Just hope they dont eat all day like alot of offices do. Wish me luck, Debra
Good for you!! I just went back to work after being an at-home mom for 7 years and I actually LOST 5 lbs in the first 2 weeks (actually not a good thing for me since I straddle a strange line between feeling really good at 128-132 and getting sick when I drop below 125). The lack of access to snacking foods and grabbing quick lunches (ie soup) threw me for a loop. The past week I've been concentrating on making sure I get a good lunch and I brought in a stash of good snacks.
Good luck to you. You'll do great as long as you plan ahead!
Thanks alot. I got a call yesterday from the bank where I will be working and I start on the 14th. I have to go out and buy some dress clothes, all I wear now is jeans. And another good thing is they told me that they all started on weigh****chers the 1st of the year which is great, then they wont be eating at work. Im on day 4 of the 5dpt and am down 4 pounds but more so not craving carbs. Ive been eating bean and ham soup which has really helped me, bod bless, Debra