Ooh I had eggs this morning and they were heavenly! I feel like I could eat a bunch more. I went back onto the 5dpt website this morning just to double-check the plan for the day, and sure enough, it does say that on day 3 we can eat as much as we want as long as it's protein. This is exciting for me, because I am SO HUNGRY. I'm looking forward to my chicken salad, and black bean soup, and cottage cheese, and more eggs!
I'm terrified of going near the scale. I think I'll wait until day 5 is over.
TMI, i know, but i haven't had a BM in 3 days and all that food I ate is still in my body, taking up space and weight in my intestines. I feel like it wouldn't be accurate to weigh myself until after I've "emptied" if you know what I mean. oy...