Did anyone watch the TODAY show ?!?!?!?!? RANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just saw on another board where one of the editors of PEOPLE says that WLS is 'The EASY way out'. The TODAY show was doing a piece on there 1/2 their size issue. Good for them one did South Beach the other LA weight loss. I've been there done that did Jenny Crige and spent $$$$$$ many years ago and only to gain it all back once you stop eating their food!!!!!!!!!!!! Some of us NEED WLS. It just burns me up. Here's the link http://www.todayshow.com/ go to video they lost half their size. Ok RANT don for the day. Robin
4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" Dr. Seuss

This will be a very unpopular post but here goes. I did take the easy way out. I had surgery to jump start the weight loss process and to recoup my health. I needed a fast fix to my long term goals and luckily for me it worked. I hit the gym without excuse 5 days a week and stick to the diet program set out for me before surgery and I'm still taking off weight almost 3 years out. This is no longer a goal but a lifestyle. There was no way that I would have lost the amount of weight needed, as quickly as I needed to allow me to start an exercise program to insure my weight loss. So, yes it has been an easy way out having the luxury of this tool. I cannot eat sugars, or fats thanks to my RNY whereas without the surgery I would have been fighting that battle daily. I've had success and for that I'm grateful which brings me to the point of "why would I care what the media is saying?" I'm too busy living to be bothered, or that easily offended.
302/153/145 Down 149 pounds
Lap RNY: 9/28/06