5 day pouch test--any takers?
I am in Julie!!! I have to start on the 3rd but that is ok :-)
I have already figured that I will just drink protein shakes and eat like sugar free jello and pudding the first 2 days. Do you like that V8 juice would be ok? I just bought the Unjury chicken soup flavored protein and it is really good!
I am so excited to do this! After the pouch test is over.....I am going to do a healthy version of the Atkins diet which is basically what we are supposed to do anyway. I HAVE TO GET THIS WEIGHT OFF FOR MY WEDDING! We should all really stick together on this ;-)
So does anyone know if there is a list somewhere of examples of the foods we are allowed to eat on the pouch test? I know a few things that were mentioned...but if there was a list of foods for each day somewhere to look at, that would really help!
Yep, here you go!
Heather 23, Alex 17, Jacob 17, Caden 5
Samantha: Our heavenly Angel. Born still at 36 weeks. 4/12/06
Our plans sound very similar! I haven't eaten SF jello in 4.5 years, but I made some tonight as variety for tomorrow. I'll probably also have broth, for the salty I crave. Do you buy Unjury chicken soup in a store? Is it clear like a soup or is it like a creamy soup? Sounds interesting!
I'll also ease myself into a healthy version of Atkins.
P.S. I'm originally from Buffalo, I believe that's where Dr. Caruana practices from, right? The city of good neighbors....
See you on the 3rd!
I'm starting the 5 day pouch test tomorrow (Jan 2), too.
After having had RNY three years ago (12/13/04), losing about 200 lbs in eighteen months and then maintaining my weight at goal for over a year, I've put back on a few pounds over the past six months or so, and I'm now about 30 pounds above where I'd like to be - and 25 lbs above my drop-dead-no-way-I'm-allowed-to-go-over-that weight.
For over a year, I was doing fine following my dietitian's advice (which she gave me when I reached goal) to "eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm full, and try to make healthy choices most of the time," but I seem to be leaving off that third step quite a bit lately. And, occasionally, the first two steps, as well.
Actually, for that first year, was able to even make some not-so-healthy choices and still maintain, but I was getting a lot more exercise than I am now.
August - November of 06, I was working in the downtown area of our state capital, where parking is always an issue. I parked about 3/4 mile from work (in the $3/day lot, rather than the nearby $14/day lot), so I was walking 1 1/2 miles each day without even intending to exercise.
After that, I was out of work for almost 6 months, and I walked the dogs with my partner nearly every day, which counter-balanced any boredom eating I was doing while sitting around the house.
Since I went back to work in late April, I've done much less walking, and then I've been taking various hormones since July (trying to conceive - now getting ready to start IVF, but that's a whole 'nother forum) and, since August, there's been pretty much unlimited chocolate candy available at work.
A very dangerous combination, evidently.
Of course, it hasn't helped that, as the scale's been inching up, I've been thinking, "Oh, I'll be pregnant in a few weeks anyway, so . . . ."
Recently, I've come to the realization that if I keep this up, by the time I actually am pregnant, I will have already put on more than I'm "allowed" to gain during pregnancy.
Of course, I knew that trying to make any changes during the holidays would be a recipe (so to speak) for failure, but I've been saying for weeks, "Come the first of the year . . . ."
So, now we're here, and it's time to get my act together.
I've been away from OH for quite a while, but popped in last week, seeking inspiration for the upcoming act-getting-together. That's when I read about the 5 day pouch test,.
I'm definitely not one for quick-fixes or fad diets or "cleansing" plans, but I'm going to give this a try.
Even if it were an awful idea (and I don't think it is), it's not like I could do any major nutritional damage in less than a week, and most of the rules are the basics that I should have been following all along, so it might just be the kick in the butt that I need.
I figure it falls into the "can't hurt, might help" category.
I'm a bit nervous about it but even if I'm not "perfect," I think it will be a good jump-start, to remind me of what I'm supposed to be doing, to get me away from some of the bad habits that I've developed and - mostly - to make me appreciate what I can eat, come next week!
After these five days, I probably won't follow any specific "rules" or any prohibitions about specific foods (except, perhaps, the candy at work because once I start, I can't stop), but will go back to tracking everything I'm eating on FitDay.com, trying to keep my calories in the 1000 - 1250 range, and making sure that I'm getting enough protein, calcium and other such things that are so important for us post-op folks.
I'm hoping to drop a few pounds before I get pregnant (which is probably at least two months away) but, more importantly, I'll be eating more healthily, and getting all the nutrients that I'll need to build a healthy baby.
I'll try to jump in here with some updates over the next five days.
Good luck to everyone!
Ahhh, fertility drugs and chocolate....been there, done that and, yes, it can be a dangerous combination! You sound as if you have a great attitude and know what is best for you and your future pregnancy. I think this 5 day plan of mindful eating is the thing many of us who have "fallen off the wagon" need to get us back on track. Fitday is great!
Be sure to pop in and post how it's going for you.
Beth: Glad to see that you are going to join us! I just had a "post op" baby and am trying to get that extra wt off. I let my weight creep up over the past couple of years and was almost 20#s heavier than my lowest wt when I got preggo.
Have you checked out the post op pregnancy board? It is a great place with tons of info. Lots of TTC women as well. Take care
Heather 23, Alex 17, Jacob 17, Caden 5
Samantha: Our heavenly Angel. Born still at 36 weeks. 4/12/06