High risk pregnancy

on 12/31/07 4:46 am
Hi there, My recent miscarriage has left me feeling that there is not a chance of me being able to have a healthy baby. Before I lost the baby the Dr. put a scare in me & told me to be prepared for the baby to have developing problems & I should consider seeing a therapist since I had not been taking my vitamins. Now I am trying to be consistant with my vitamins & I want to know what all I need to do to get healthy however, feel that I should not try again for another baby...too worried. Never thought I would have these on/off desperate feelings. Feeling helpless...hopeless sometimes. It's down right scary. My miscarriage really effected me in a way I have never felt before. I am 40, divorced with a 10 yr old daughter and a 13 yr old son. I recently got engaged. He has never been married & has no children. Has anyone else experienced something similiar or know of someone who has ?  I appreciate any of your comments. Thank you.
on 12/31/07 2:20 pm - MS

I was 35 when I got pregnant. I took all of my vitamins and had a healthy baby. I am 5 yrs post RNY.

on 12/31/07 11:30 pm
Thank You !
on 12/31/07 8:21 pm - Weirton, WV

I'm so sorry about your loss.  Have you had lab work done recently?  What are you're numbers looking like?  What basis did your doctor use to say the baby would have problems before your miscarriage?  If you get pregnant the baby is going to take what it needs from you and you will be the one to suffer so to speak.  I don't absorb iron, but had a healthy baby boy 12 months ago.  He has no problems.  He drained my iron stores and I'm trying to get them back up through iron infusions before having another baby.  There is an excellent post-op pregnancy board on here with wonderful women that have had babies, are currently pregnant, or trying to conceive.  You should check it out.

on 12/31/07 11:38 pm

Thanx so much, I will check it out for sure. I need to get lab work done next week & go from there. My Dr. is new & wasn't the one who did my surgery. She had me shaking when I left the office. Not taking my vitamins for so long and she said the 1st 3 months of pregnancy is vital. Which I alreadt knew. Awe a baby boy ! Thanx for your advice I really needed it. Feel so much better now.

on 12/31/07 11:18 pm - NY
explain something to me...you had one miscarriage or have you been having them for a while now? You may need to go to a high risk obstetrician or a fertility doctor to find out what's going on. Your doctor doesn't sound like an awesome human being why would he tell y ou about developing problems due to vitamins.....in all reality a fetus will take from the mother what it needs, you'll be left depleted but the fetus will thrive, usually!  If this is something you really want then  you need to keep on going and striving. ANDI
Dream it Live it
When Pigs Fly
on 12/31/07 11:46 pm
Andi, Yah- that's what I thought...my first visit with her & wasn't real happy that's for sure. My surgeon no longer practices. That was my first miscarriage. I will definantly take your advice on the high risk o.b. Dr./fertility. I have hope again...thank you. Happy New Year! 

on 1/1/08 3:01 am
Your doc is NOT correct. There are plenty of us that have had healthy pregnancies and your miscarriage is in no way related to WLS. Check out the post op pregnancy board. Great women and tons of info. Best of luck. Was it AC that told you that???

preview image  pink_ribbon.jpg picture by jgirlatlaw
Heather 23,  Alex 17, Jacob 17, Caden 5
Samantha: Our heavenly Angel. Born still at 36 weeks. 4/12/06

on 1/1/08 5:18 am
So glad you wrote me !  Noticed you had AC also.  No he didn't. I haven't seen him since my surgery 5 yrs ago. Needed to follow up with a surgeon since he's not around anymore so I seen LaMasters in WDM. I've only seen her once when I first found out I was pregnant & she told me. Then I went to an ob Dr. had an ultra sound & discovered there was no heart beat. They said the baby was 8 weeks when I miscarried. I'll definately be checking out the other board THANK YOU ! Reading the names & ages of your children touched my heart. Although I never gave birth to this one,  I felt an extreme loss of a little angel. Take care.
on 1/1/08 6:23 am - LA, CA
I had a healthy pregnancy just had low iron and had to have a csection 5 weeks early my son is just fine. i doubt that your MC was due to WLS dont listen to that dr i would find a few one. and im bad at takeing vitamins and he was just fine. good luck hun.


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