High risk pregnancy
on 12/31/07 4:46 am
I'm so sorry about your loss. Have you had lab work done recently? What are you're numbers looking like? What basis did your doctor use to say the baby would have problems before your miscarriage? If you get pregnant the baby is going to take what it needs from you and you will be the one to suffer so to speak. I don't absorb iron, but had a healthy baby boy 12 months ago. He has no problems. He drained my iron stores and I'm trying to get them back up through iron infusions before having another baby. There is an excellent post-op pregnancy board on here with wonderful women that have had babies, are currently pregnant, or trying to conceive. You should check it out.
on 12/31/07 11:38 pm
Thanx so much, I will check it out for sure. I need to get lab work done next week & go from there. My Dr. is new & wasn't the one who did my surgery. She had me shaking when I left the office. Not taking my vitamins for so long and she said the 1st 3 months of pregnancy is vital. Which I alreadt knew. Awe a baby boy ! Thanx for your advice I really needed it. Feel so much better now.
on 12/31/07 11:46 pm
Heather 23, Alex 17, Jacob 17, Caden 5
Samantha: Our heavenly Angel. Born still at 36 weeks. 4/12/06
on 1/1/08 5:18 am