Violated NPO order over holidays
Due to a tiny pouch leak, I was put on I/V TPN on 12/19 through a PICC Line w/ an order not to eat or drink anything by mouth until mid-January. The idea was that the leak would heal itself. Over the holidays, I have been drinking some water and Diet Snapple and occasionally eating miso soup and Dannon Smoothies because I get so very thirsty. I'm sure my pouch has not been able to heal because of this and I feel awful about it. I am going back on the wagon tomorrow. Has anyone had experience with leaks healing on their own while on TPN? How long did it take? Can't I restart tomorrow and give it a few weeks to heal? The leak was so small it was barely detectable on the CT Scan and the Upper GI. Does that even matter?
Yes, I have a PICC line which is in my left upper arm and it has two ports. I use one 300ML bag of nutrients (TPN) daily which is absorbed intravenously. When I'm not infusing, I tape up the ports and lines because they dangle. Ideally, I'm supposed to get all my nutrients and liquids from the TPN but I still get thirsty. Fun, fun, fun..............
IF you have a leak and you are eating and/or drinking whatever you are eating/drinking CAN LEAK out into your abdomen. This IS NOT a good thing. Not trying to sound mean but this COULD be very serious.
Restart NOW then call your doctor and let them know what happened.
I'm sorry you are having to deal with this, but deal with it you must.
Hope everything works out {{{{HUGS}}}}
Sandra High 250, low 160, current 190 down from 208 January 2014