No more procrastination
Miles City, MT
I would like to thank those who have posted support - regain is a tough thing to aknowledge but it does happen (at least it has to me) - pushing the limits and testing the waters when I know I shouldn't have - must be the "it hasn't worked before" mentality - I am using the 5 day pouch reset that has been posted here before - here is the website if you haven't seen it before - just place the www before it - Had 8 oz of a protein shake for breakfast - drinking water (propel) - wondering if I should stop drinking propel and just drink regular water - Anyone have any issues with propel vs. regular water??
My plan for the rest of the day is to drink a protein shake whenever I get the urge to eat or head hunger. Need to stop grazing and eating just to eat.....also going to take some lessons to learn how to knit - I need to do something with my hands at night instead of reaching into the popcorn bowl while watching tv. My exercise plan is to do it right away in the morning - i get up between 5 - 5:30 am and don't have to leave to go to wor****il 7:15 ish. - Got the plan just need to put it into action.