weight gain... so discouraged
Hey there, Sounds like you've been through it girlfriend. I can relate to most of what you're saying. Like you I know what to do, and I do it for about a wk. Then....you know the story. I too though that I had failed my WLS, but I know now that that is not the case. Try the 5dpt. It was refreshing to know that "the pouch still works". I'm going to be prayng for you. Good Luck, and let me know if there is anything that I can do to support you. You are not alone.
Aliya....and lovin it
Know that you are NOT ALONE. The reality is that most people who have WLS will gain back some of the weight they initially lost. I know it can get discouraging when all you hear is the good stuff, but sometimes it takes someone brave like yourself to talk openly about the struggles. I know that many, many people can relate. It sounds as though you have been through a tremendous amount of stress and heartache in the past two years. You have gone back to comforting with food and it sounds like you feel too anxious and depressed to get out, be active, and engage with life. Depression, anxiety, isolation, food for comfort, self deprication, etc....this is a very dangerous trap if not addressed asap. I strongly encourage you to consider individual therapy, if you haven't done so already. A good therapist will help you to set goals and tackle the obstacles interfering with accomplishing those goals. A good therapist could help you to conquer the panic attacks that you are experiencing and learn healthier ways to cope with sadness and anxiety that do not always involve food. A good therapist will help you not to be so hard on yourself. I recommend someone who takes a cognitive-behavioral approach and if at all possible has experience with WLS, obesity, or eating disorders. Just like the book that was recommended in one the replies, cognitive therapy helps you to address the harsh negative thought towards yourself (the critic, the judge, the voice that say you are a "miserable failure" and "Most worthless grad alive" without compassion for what you have been through emotionally and your biological predispositions towards weight gain). The behavioral part involves addressing those behaviors that are negatively impacting your life and figuring out how to introduce and maintain more adaptive behaviors that are consistent with your goals. Check your insurance if you have it, it may cover some mental health services. If cost is an issue, which I assume it might be with the DH being unemployed, there are low-cost options available out there. Many therapists will work on a sliding scale basis. Some universities offer low cost services for their social work and psychology trainees, sometimes you can find community mental health centers. If you need help with this, please let me know and I can try to guide your search. Maybe post on OH in your state for referrals? In the meantime, keep reaching out to the OH support. Remember, you are not alone with this. We are hear for you.
Dr. Lindsey Ricciardi is a licensed clinical psychologist and member of OH's Mental Health Advisory Board. By posting, she makes no promises, guarantees, representations, or warranties, expressed or implied, and assumes no duty or liability with regard to the information contained herein. This post is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. No professional services are being rendered and nothing is intended to provide such services or advice of any kind. No informational post can take the place of seeking professional help. If you need professional help, seek professional services or dial 911. For more info on Dr. Lindsey visit www.mindbodybariatrics.com.