does time for vit. matter??
WLS 11/27/06 Lap RNY
379/ 313/ 173/ HEALTHY !!!Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal
"Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD"
Living in Beautiful Sunnyvale California, via Arkansas (Go Hogs) via Washington State, via born and raised in Oregon.. What a journey..
I take calcium 4x per day, and ron once. I do my first protein with coffee, so can't do iron then. So, about an hour or so after my coffee/protein and first batch of vites with calcium, I do the iron with a few bites of fruit or something harmless.
it doesn't have to be first. If you tolerate it and get up at night to pee, you can take your iron then, just don't lie down with any pills in your esophagus.
Iron + C, together, at least an hour alone, not with caffeine, dairy, wholegrains, eggs, any other vites, minerals or meds
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
Yes, iron can be a pain. Like I said, I take mine about an hour after bfast. I'm not hungry or anything, so I take with fruit. And a protein. But I do 6 proteins per day, 180g
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
I take mine in the morning right before I brush my teeth because that is when I can remember to take it.
I have also been told by several sources that you need to take your iron and calcium at least 6 hours apart.
If I take it first thing in the morning, I can take a calcium as soon as I get home from work, then again right before bedtime. Then both of those are at least 6 hours from the iron that day and the next morning.
I immediately start drinking a protein drink right after I brush my teeth, and the iron is not making me sick. (So far... crossing fingers...) It's weird because pre-op I couldn't tolerate iron. it made me . I couldn't even take it when I was pregnant and they wanted me to. But now I take it no problems.