Accountability.. what did you eat Thursday

Carla W.
on 12/13/07 10:34 am - CA
RNY on 05/08/06 with
Hello all.. well the weekend is here for me.  got a few more small things to get and prepare for my christmas party on Saturday night.  Making food and having ppl by for the lights.. always a fun time. So how was your day.  Are you sailing that ship forward and smoothly.  lets see how it's going... here was my day
protein drink, 1 serving 110 0 1 25 Remove
Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Lower Sugar, Maple and Brown Sugar, 1 serving 120 24 2 4 Remove
Cheddar Cheese, 0.1 cup, shredded 46 0 4 3 Remove
Iceberg Lettuce (salad), 1 leaf, large 2 0 0 0 Remove
Vegetables, Mixed Salad Greens, 1 serving(s) 15 3 0 1 Remove
Salad dressing, Trader Joes Balsamic Vinaigrette, 2 tbsp 30 7 0 0 Remove
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces 94 0 1 20 Remove
Cheddar Cheese, 0.1 oz 11 0 1 1 Remove
Beef Lunchmeat (roast beef), 3 oz 151 5 3 24 Remove
El Pollo Loco, Gucamole, 1 serving 30 3 2 0 Remove
Chicken Breast, no skin, 1 ounces 31 0 0 7 Remove
Refried Beans, 3 tbsp 45 7 1 3 Remove
protein bar, 1 serving 170 17 5 20 Remove
Apples, fresh, 1 cup, quartered or chopped 74 19 0 0 Remove
Breyers No Sugar Added, Butter Pecan ice cream, 1 serving 1/2 cup 122 14 7 3 Remove
protein drink, 1 serving 110 0 1 25 Remove
    Totals: 1,160 100 28 134
needed to drink more today.  was doing some driving around without anything to drink so I am low on the fluids today.  will work on that tomorrow. See you tomorrow Carla

on 12/13/07 11:15 am - Sunnyvale, CA
We wanna come see the lights !!! Love the sights at Christmas.. So beautiful and FUN !!! I think I probably drank enough water for us both and I still have 3 hours or so to finish up more, lol.. We went shopping in Santana Row today and had a blast.. It literally felt like we were in NYC shopping during the holidays.  That same type of Christmasy feeling and atmosphere.. And of course I bought BOOTS!!! There were some fantastic sales going on... I got 5 pairs a small handbag, and a watch all for $119.00.  The original prices we would have spent $783.00.. It was sooooooooo much fun... ok on to food !!! YEA  B= 2 eggs 2 cheese 28g protein S= handful of Almonds 10g protein L= WOW this restaurant we went to was the best Mexican ever.  Don't ask me what the food was called but it was to die for... 4oz prime rib w/ goat cheese and sauce 28g protein Fresh guacamole Muwaaahhhhh 3 oz chunked white fish with toms/onions & hot sauce 21g protein D= 4 oz Talapia 28g protein      1 Cup Cottage cheese w/pico de gallo 14g protein Bedtime will include an AchievOne 20g protein H2O= 132 so far, have another 33oz bottle waiting for supper to be gone and down it goes, then my  AchievOne.. so it should be 175oz Protein= 129 and then AchievOne should be 149 YIPPIE SKIPPY !!! Y'all have a good one !! Christmas Huggs Debbiie
                 A smile can brighten someone else’s day
WLS 11/27/06 Lap RNY
379/       313/      173/    HEALTHY !!!Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal
"Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD"
Living in Beautiful Sunnyvale California, via Arkansas (Go Hogs) via Washington State, via born and raised in Oregon.. What a journey..
Carla W.
on 12/14/07 4:12 am - CA
RNY on 05/08/06 with
Not sure were sunnyvale is from Chino but if you can find your way down here come on down.  Of course another great day of protein I see for you and I will take you up on the water.. i could of used a good one and maybe I will see ya tomorrow.. Carla

on 12/14/07 9:41 am - Sunnyvale, CA
Chino??? Drats I don't have a clue, only been here since 2006 and Kookyfornia I am still learning where things are.. I am near San Jose/ San Francisco area...  I did get in another 43 ozs of fluid, so I will share gladly... And another 20g of protein..  Hopefully see soon !!! Pics with lights???  Christmas Huggs Debbiie
                 A smile can brighten someone else’s day
WLS 11/27/06 Lap RNY
379/       313/      173/    HEALTHY !!!Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal
"Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD"
Living in Beautiful Sunnyvale California, via Arkansas (Go Hogs) via Washington State, via born and raised in Oregon.. What a journey..
Carla W.
on 12/14/07 10:31 am - CA
RNY on 05/08/06 with
lol... it's about a 12 hour drive... hehehe.. Im in so cal just below Los Angeles.  It would be a bit of a drive so better get a move on.. dont forget your shakes and bars for the trip.. lol

Autumn's Mom
on 12/14/07 12:13 am - Fairport, NY
i had a fage for lunch then i left work early cause of the snow and made some homemade sauce and meatballs. got about 3 bites down and the pain began which was followed by 2 hours of throwing up and the  still hasnt stopped.  i have a call into the dr ~

micha  288/130 below goal
this is my neice ~ please pray her cancer stays in remission!!
nuniandjj.jpg picture by michamros

Carla W.
on 12/14/07 4:13 am - CA
RNY on 05/08/06 with
Yes.. you need to see that doc again.  They need to check u out.  This isnt right and they need to figure it out.. take care of your self and let us know whats going on. Carla

Not the Same Dawn
on 12/14/07 3:29 am - BEE EFF EEE, CA
Okay here it is/was: Breakfast: malto Meal, Soy milk and Banana (medium one) Snack: Home baked Protein bar w/extra peanuts, cheese stick Lunch: Hormel packaged meal, Chicken Breast meat with stuffing. I didn't think I'd eat the stuffing because it's mostly bread but I ate it slowly and it didn't bother me...Also didn't drink anything for a while after so it didn't swell up either.  Snack: 2 pc SF Russell Stover Candy, Nougie Nutty Chews...Everyone else around here is stuffing Sees candy in their mouth and I had to have something... Dinner: Trader Joe, Chicken Burger, Chili Lime (yummy!) with 1/3 cup of leftover homemade buffalo chili and 1 slice of swiss cheese.  No dessert Totals Calories: 1457 Fat: 40 Carbs: 170 Protein: 102 i did alright...Especially since today, before I even had lunch I was about 1000 calories in. Too much sugar today, even the sugar free stuff. This is the last day of work before 3 weeks off for vacation...I just have to celebrate.  All my Christmas Shopping is done and all the boxes to the step kids and grandkids have been mailed. Woo Hoo
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Carla W.
on 12/14/07 4:14 am - CA
RNY on 05/08/06 with
wow.. you are so prepared.. that is so great.  Wish I was that organized.. had a good day as always.. well as always most days.. keep up the good work. Carla

on 12/14/07 10:56 am - colchester, CT

Having a fun day tomorrow with my granson. We are going to make some cookies and paint some Christmas ornaments. I am done with all my shopping and just about all the baking ( I will be giving majority of it away).

Have a great weekend.

vanilla soy protien powder, 1 serving 120 16 1 13
Milk, 1%, 0.25 cup 26 3 1 2

pumpkin bread, 1 serving 85 12 3 3

Chicken Wing, 1 wing, bone and skin removed 37 0 1 6
Chicken Breast, no skin, 1 ounces 31 0 0 7
Baked Potato, with skin, 0.5 small (1-3/4" to 2-1/2" dia.) 64 15 0 2
Butternut Squash, 0.25 cup, cubes 21 5 0 0

Dove Chocolates, 35 gram(s) 193 21 11 2

Turkey breast meat, 3 slices 66 3 1 11
finlandia lite swiss cheese, 3 serving 171 0 0 21
Romaine Lettuce (salad), 0.5 cup, shredded 4 1 0 0
kraft salad spritzer, 20 serving 20 0 0 0

Hot Cocoa Swiss Miss Diet, 2 serving 50 8 0 4
vanilla soy protien powder, 1 serving 120 16 1 1

1,007 99 19 84


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