Hey there, don't know how far out you are... I would definately call DR.. reason being, some folks get diverticulitus (sp) and that's no fun at all. Is this first time eating nuts? Could have been some got lodged in there, don't know. To go that long with discomfort is the pits.. Please call Dr or call urgent care.. It might be something else you never know..
A smile can brighten someone else’s day
WLS 11/27/06 Lap RNY
379/ 313/ 173/ HEALTHY !!!Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal
"Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD"
Living in Beautiful Sunnyvale California, via Arkansas (Go Hogs) via Washington State, via born and raised in Oregon.. What a journey..
WLS 11/27/06 Lap RNY
379/ 313/ 173/ HEALTHY !!!Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal
"Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD"
Living in Beautiful Sunnyvale California, via Arkansas (Go Hogs) via Washington State, via born and raised in Oregon.. What a journey..
I actually eat walnuts, on my sf chocolate blue bell icecream with a little coolwhip, it tastes like Rocky Road. I find that if I eat too many, I get gas, if I eat just a few on the icecream and with the sf coolwhip I can tolerate it. I'd try them again sometime only not as many and with something else.