Middle Back Pain
I had some muscular problems. I was told that it stems from the weight loss. The muscles have been supporting all the excess weight and they don't know how to respond to the changes. If it persist you should get it looked at. Massage therapy might help.
Surgery August 30, 2004
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle
I had some muscular problems. I was told that it stems from the weight loss. The muscles have been supporting all the excess weight and they don't know how to respond to the changes. If it persist you should get it looked at. Massage therapy might help.
Surgery August 30, 2004
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle
Ugh, you're not alone. I was just complaining to my husband about this tonight. The only thing I have found that helps is always sitting in a high back chair like a large office chair, or sitting all the way back in the couch or recliner. I have also found myself slumping and that's usually when it hurts. To counter this, I have been using a large physical therapy ball to stretch my back. I sit on it and roll into a laying position so the curve of the ball and gravity curve my back in the opposite way that slumping does. I know know why it happens, but sometimes the pain is too awful.
AS weight shiftsdownward (from hanging skin)......your body is not use to carrying that weight in that way. In addition, your muscles are stretched out from years of being obese. This causes lower and middle back pain. Unfortunately, there is very little to do in terms of permanent solution except get a TT...in the mean time phsycial therapy and chiropractic care will help relieve some of the pain.
Me too. I get it bad for a while and then it goes and comes back again. I think it's as my body gets used to that weight loss the muscles readjust, then I get the pain until it all readjusts again.
I'm going to use that to try and get a TT with my doc.
I like the idea of using a gym ball - gonna try that
I noticed that when I had lost a considerable amount of weight that I lost a lot of muscle as well. Carrying around a lot of fat causes you to have muscle just to support yourself. When you have surgery and loose an extreme amount, you loose muscle as well.
I had back pain and pain at my tail bone. After weight training for some time it started to go away. Now I am pain free, except some sore muscles.
Good luck to you!
If you want to change your life than you have to change your life!
I don't think it would be a good idea to do a particular excercise for a local area. If you are not that familiar with the gym, find a trainer and let them setup a program fo you. If you are currently lifting weights, take a look at your workout. My back is my weakest point so I tend to do more work overall on that area. I lift weights 3 times a week and do cardio 2-3 times a week. My weight training has gradually increased in intensity and variety over the last year. It will take some time to rebuild lost muscle, but it happens faster than you would think. Just make sure you are getting plenty of protein in your diet. If your body does'nt have enough, you can't build muscle.
Good luck!
If you want to change your life than you have to change your life!