A regained post-op finding hope
I all, I have posted on and off. This past Monday I decided ONCE and FOR ALL to kick sugar. (I am also going to a medical weight loss clinic). The diet they gave me is very very similar to Atkins in the beginning. But after 3 days, I am able to eat some fruit and some bread. No rice or even milk. No simple carbs AT ALL. And I can eat more protein if I want. Protein = more; carbs = less. That is what I try to remember. ANYHOO.... Maybe that is what I needed to kick the sugar. I've been trying these past 3 years to kick it and I would be lucky to last half a day. I am on day 6 and I have lost 9 lbs so far. And it really is true that when it is out of your life, you really don't crave it. And I tell myself that I can have it LATER, I just need to get to my goal weight first. That is what keeps me sane. I know it's the holidays, and it's like "why start now"? I like to think of it as a head start into the new year.... cheers everyone!
Congrats on taking that first oh so hard step - I am almost 5 years post op and starting regaining about 2 years ago - never made it anywhere near goal, I would love to lose about 100 more pounds. I keep coming here for encouragement and information, go to a weekly support group, but everytime I try and start a new program (5daypouch - atkins - protein drinks only - whatever...) I can't seem to get going. Can I ask you what the first week or so of this program entails food wise? I keep hoping and praying someday I will find something that will finally stick with me.
Hi, Yes... Thank you! The diet consists, basically of three meals and two snacks. Breaksfast is 2 eggs with 2 oz. of cheese. Lunch is 6 oz. or more of protein with one cup of salad. Dinner is the same. You can have two cans of diet soda and unlimited sugar free jello.
Next is the "diet" itself... there are "two" of everything. You can have two servings of low glycemic fruits, including low fat, low sugar yogurt and cottage cheese. Two servings of "breads". They must be low calorie or light bread and not be more than 40 calories. (including pita). Two servings of protein and two servings of veggies. They require 60 grams or MORE of protein and 60 grams or LESS of carbs. I just remember that and I'm okay. You can have sugar free jello all you want, in addition, 4 eggs/wk or all the eggbeaters you want for breakfast. You can also have 1 oz of cheese a day. Also, you can have 2 cans of diet soda (which I do not do). I noticed that they give me headaches.
NO caffiene
NO milk
NO sweets
NO nuts
But you CAN have protein bars, which would replace a fruit or a carb. And protein shakes are "free" foods.
I know it sounds restrictive, really it's not. I actually cannot get all the food in! LOL
Good luck! The first three days are hell as you are getting into somewhat of a ketosis. But by the 4th day, you can fruit and a little bit of bread so you are good to go! Tell me how it goes! As a former sugar addict, it is soooooooo possible to get over it! You just need to substitute sugar with protein bars and shakes! Then I don't feel so deprived! Good luck!
Congrats on your recent loss and resolution! Just wondering, does this program include phentermine or other appettite suppressants and/or B12 shots in addition to specific diets? In FL, there's a medical weight loss center every other block, and in calling around I've found that there are some differences between approaches. I've been considering going that route to get back to goal and go back on maintainance from there.
Hi! Thank you for your support. Yes, the program includes meds and injections. I only do the injections with lipotropic + B vitamin injections. They give me more energy. I did not opt for the meds. That's very debatable. I say, I wouldn't ever go that route. Messing with neurotransmitters, etc. What if you get off of them? Eh, for me... that's a no no. I would definately look into that center! It's medically based, so they look at EVERYTHING, even blood work, etc.
Good luck!
I have learned on this journey--we must do what we must to have what we want. I want to be healthy in general and my weight has to be under control before that can happen. I will get the pounds off that I've put on and I will deal with the issues that make me eat with little control. I will get to a healthy weight for me. You have determined for yourself or you wouldn't have chosen the clinic. You can do this. You can do it for yourself because you deserve it! Keep up the good work! Blessings always, Samaria