Achey-ness Anyone?
Hi there,
I don't post too often, but I read. I'm too ashamed of my weight gained to share much!!
I am trying desparately to get myself back under control and have been reflecting on "what is my problem?". I've gained because I eat too much, and eat sugar everyday.....too many calories in, period. I just can't seem to get motivated long term.
A key issue for me is that I hurt....all over, and sometimes so bad that I just want to cry. Nothing seems to help....Tylenol, ice, heat, chiropractic....nothing. I wouldn't say it's really in my joints's everywhere, especially my legs and shoulders.
They have tested me for Lyme's Disease, RA, vitamin/mineral deficiencies...all comes back fine!! I have to admit that some days are much better...but I'm never pain-free, I've just learned to function with it...not really "live" with it. I find myself grasping at any straw I can come up with for possible answers....the latest is the possibility of Lupus...which I'll be talking to the doctor about.
I'm wondering if anyone else is having issues with this. I'm not saying its surgery related, but I did not have this pain 4 years ago at 300+ I wonder. I realize I'm older now..but I'm still in my 30's and over 100 pounds lighter!
If I felt better it sure would be easier to get motivated to get moving and take better care of myself.
I was going to say the same thing: fibromyalgia. I know a few folks with this. Very painful. Ask your doctor about it.
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
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Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
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I do have alot of pain, but mine is mainly joint pain. I have a dr's appt next Tuesday to address the situation. I am thinking for me its a matter of losing all the weight and just being out of alignment, possibly needing to go and see a chiropractor. I work out quite a bit so that could play a part too. Anyway, I don't think its the same thing that's going on with you, but I hope you can find the answer so that you can get some relief!!!!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Tracy, have you had your vit D checked. I had to be forceful with my doc to get it checked and my D was on the low side of normal. I contact Michelle (vitalady) and ordered Vitamin D from 3 days the achy bones, joints totally stopped.
My WLS kept saying your calcium is fine it isn't Vitamin D, you need to see an orth *sigh*.
Please ask that they check your Vitamin D.....and if needed supplement, even if on the low normal side.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
Define "fine" on your labs.
Get copies, and find where in the range you are in these:
vit A
vit D
vit B1
vit B6
vit B12
protein, albumin, pre-albumin
Get copies, and find where in the range you are in these:
vit A
vit D
vit B1
vit B6
vit B12
protein, albumin, pre-albumin
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
Have your doctor test for the virus that the kids get - "Fifths Disease", especially if you are around ANY elementary school children. The virus is called the Parvo virus (if I remember correctly). I had it about 1 1/2 years ago, and all my joints hurt - badly. The only medication that worked for me was a steroid.
I have two boys age 6 and 8 and I help out at their school. Fifths Disease was going around - but I never would have considered that - but it manifests itself in adults with symptoms similar to RA.
They tested me for all the other things too - it was scary! However, if you have this, it WILL go away in time - maybe up to six months or a year -- but it DOES go away.
In case you've never heard of it - "Fifths Disease" is exactly what it is called. It is the fifth type of childhood disease that is common among children. The first four are - chicken pox, measels, mumps, rubella. Kids get a slight rash that might resemble being slapped in the face, and they get a fever. Most often, it only lasts a day or 2 in the kids, and they act normal - not sick, so it often goes unnoticed.
Hope this helps.
Kathy BIlodeau
VERY interesting!!! Fifths disease went through my sons daycare about a month or so ago..I stayed home with him when he had his fever....and it WAS only about a week later when I was the most miserable I have ever been....hmmm.
Overall my pain issues have been going on for about 2 that's not the ongoing problem, but may be a contributing factor lately. Everyone keeps telling me I don;t look well....glassy eyes, weird coloring, etc.
Thanks for the response!
hi kate:
i'm so sorry you're not feeling well. and it's so hard to work on your weight when you hurt all over all the time. i had the same issues as you. sometimes it feels as though every nerve in my body is screaming at me. sometimes the joints in my body ache so badly nothing helps.
i was tested for the same stuff - lyme's disease, ra, vitamin/mineral issues. my doctor finally checked me for fibromyalgia and diagnosed me with it. i went through a chronic pain treatment center and they helped me to pinpoint which medications would help the most. and also to deal with the depression that comes with the chronic pain.
after alot of thinking and some therapy i realized that having lost two hundred pounds made me think i would be better again. now i realize that's not going to happen. in fact, the opposite has happened. since my wls, i've had numerous surgeries along with a whole lot of pain and recovery.
sometimes i wonder if the weight loss is the reason for all my problems. mostly i'm just grateful i'm this much smaller. going through all this and weighing 450 pounds would have been even harder.
so kate, i guess what i'm trying to say is this - keeping going for a diagnosis. there will be a way out there that can help you. living in pain is awful and it's not necessary. so good luck. and please take care of yourself.