Quick question
I am almost 3 years post-op; last night for the first time in a long time I developed horrible cramps. Wasn't nauseaus, but had on & off cramps all night. I took two gas-X and then in the middle of the night I had diarea; this morning I'm still crampy - any thoughts or suggestions. I haven't eaten anything since 9:00pm last night (dry toast). Help!
Flu season? We can still get a stomach bug I believe...well I did a few weeks ago anyway and I immediately assumed it was the surgery, but I called the surgeon's office and they said they get a lot of calls this time of year about it as it's sickness time. See how it goes and if it gets worse, you can always call in.
If it doesn't go away soon call your DR.
I had what I thought were terrible gas pains for 3 days before it finally got so bad I called my surgeon at 3:00AM - he told me to meet him in the ER that he thought I had an internal hernia. He was right and was doing emergency surgery that afternoon. Hope you feel better soon.