5 day pouch test alumni
Yes, I have maintained and had actually lost a couple of more pounds. I regained the 2 over Thanksgiving from being out of town.. I am still in control though, and feeling good about it..
Surgery August 30, 2004
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle
Hi, I lost 15 lbs when I did it. I've gained 1 or 2 of that back. I'm on day 2 of the 5dpt again. I could tell a big difference last time and I want to use it to keep on track.
"Earning money is relatively easy; the challenge is earning just enough to enjoy the life you make with it." Veronique Vienne
"Earning money is relatively easy; the challenge is earning just enough to enjoy the life you make with it." Veronique Vienne