DUI... Alcohol is no longer consumed by me.
Hi Jess
You say this was very hard for you to post but there was no excuse for you to be drinking.I read everyone post and all I can say ,they just patting you on the hand.Ok this just my opinion,THAT WAS A VERY STUPID MISTAKE YOU DID ,this is coming from a nurse who works in a trauma center.I see many people with multiple injuries from DUI some come out of it ok and other don't. 2ND you was so intoxicated with your date (you could of been harm for the worst). 3rd When women drink alcohol it stay longer in our body,we don't burn it quickly like men do. I don't want to sound harsh but you could had a soda.I know alcohol is tempting but alcohol get absorb in our body very quickly and gives you that quick buzz and boom you're out as a light. I'm glad your ok but I don't condon the action you took that day.Your life or someone else life could of been lost. CLAIRE
269 / 140/ 135
Height - 5' 6"
Hi Jess,
BeeBee here. I was sad to hear about your experience. I am so thankful that you were not physically harmed by your date and again thankful that you were not killed driving and that you did not kill or injure anyone else while driving either. You learned a very valuable lesson that people who cannot drink safely will become insane and do insane things when they do. Period. The same thing will happen if you switch to wine. Or beer. Or pills. That's the insanity. We think it will be "different" if we do something different. It won't. The blackouts will come again and you will once again do something you don't remember. Save yourself the pain and humiliation. Stop while you are ahead...and alive. You must acknowledge that you unfortunately cannot safely drink. If you have any doubts, go on www.oprah.com and type Suddenly Skinny in the search box. Look on the Messages and read some of the posts to her show on gastric bypass and alcoholism. It will scare you to death. It did me. Hugs and wishing you the best, BeeBee Please keep us posted how you are doing.
269 / 140/ 135
Height - 5' 6"
During this process I have learned a lot and when we first noticed that she got drunk really fast and seemed to stay drunk, there was very little info. out there. Now there are several studies that show scientifically that post RNY folks get drunk faster and stay drunk longer than non-RNY. Mom is an RN and has worked with several bariatric surgeons in the area and learned that studies also show that the sugar in alcohol is metabolised differently by RNY patients and causes a craving of sorts that can easily lead to problems for ppl who never had problems before. My mom does admit that she enjoyed drinking before surgery, but not to the extent she did after. The interesting thing was that the smallest amt of sugar will make her dump but alcohol doesn't. It all works together to make us more susceptible. This is something I know my husband and I will also have to be cautious of after our surgery. Responsibility is key. Easy to say, but still one day at a time. I wish you luck and good health in the future. Take Care, Diana