Anyone else with Reactive Hyperglycemia?
I have had the same thing at about 6 months out. Now that I am 3 years out and at goal give to take a couple of pounds my blood sugar has leveled out. I know it goes up and down once in a while but not like before. What i have left over is constant headaches. I did not have them before surgery. I have had my blood sugar do the same spike at over 300 then crash to about 35. I was not diabetic before surgery. I have hot flashes my face gets flushed and I have to go lay down for about 1 hour.
I do eat some sugar but not much. Its different things that set it off now. I can not eat even one hot wing, no french toast, pancakes not even a bite. I do not even try ice cream or cake. Its all the stuff that is bad for me anyway but now I don't even try to taste it because I will get really sick.
Its the headaches that make me crazy. I am sure something else it going on but no one knows what it is and can not figure it out. I am taking drugs to try to control the headaches so I can work and do the things I have to do but they make really irriteable and I don't like that. I look good but don't always feel to good.
I hear ya, everyone at work tells me how great I look.......I'm at goal too. But man, I just wanna FEEL good:-( I'm sorry you're having headaches, I get those sometimes too.........I think they are the by-product of the spiking/crashing blood sugar for me though. I hope that they are able to figure out what is causing yours, the drugs have another set of issues all on their own I know:-(
Carol J
Thank you so much for the reply. You have no idea how wonderful it sounds to hear that your blood sugar evened out. I am four years post op and mine just seems to get worse but it is good to keep the faith. Some days I get excided thinking that it might be getting better but better to me is like four lows and thats just not good enough. I know what you meen about headaches. I alsop have headaches, I wake up with a pounding one everyday. Gosh I hear myself and I sould like such a winer but this is so not how I used to be. Prior to the surgery besides complaining about being to over weight I complained about nothing. I was rarly sick. This all just feels like I am traped in a bad dream and can't get out. I hope your headaches stop and it might help to keep a food journal so you can see what are trigering them. Kim
Iam going back to the doctor this wednesday loaded with articles on reactive hypoglycemia. I had the wrost headache this past saturday that I have had in a long time. It started on friday and when I woke up Saturday morning I could tell my head was pounding because I could feel my eyebrows pushed together. I am sure I was like that for hours. Just what I need more wrinkles... I did make it to support group but never took my sunglasses off the light was just to bright. Some one turned me on to a wild rice and barley mix from trader joes so I stopped and got that to mix with some fish, I am trying to cut out all the carbs. I started taking my blood sugar again but it seems to be normal anytime I take it. Something is happening I hope the doctor can figure something out or give me better pain meds. I am not sleepling well again either. I wake up at 2:30 everynight and then every half hour after until I have to get up at 4:30. That does not help the headaches at all. Thru this list I have found two really good articles to take in to the doctor. Wish me luck.
Seems like I have more GI issues at more than 3 yrs post-op than I did just after the orginal surgery:-( Still having the ocassional blood sugar issue too but since I rarely eat anything that I think might trigger it up, seems like the episodes are less....I don't know....I think it's very frustrating to have this issue when I was not diabetic prior to the surgery....and no one warned me about it. I thought I was pretty up to speed on all the possibilities but I guess not:-( But on the good side of things, I know if I stick to eating only stuff that I know is safe, I'm ALOT less likely to regain the weight:-) So it's all Hope you are able to isolate what triggers your episodes so you can stay away from the offending's the only way I think.