new discovery
In the last month, I have discovered a new aspect to my 'tool' and the pouch. If you graze you can fit all sorts of calories in a day. My periods were gone for years as a result of the obesity. They just returned and I am feeling 'snacky' as well as crampy a lot. Well, it's like I can have a SF cookie here, and then 30 minutes later a yogurt and it never stops. No wonder they said to be wary of grazing. I haven't had the urge before now as I was usually full. I am glad I am aware of it before it gets out of control!!!! No more grazing. Stick to my meals and snacks and cut this girl off! WLS proves to us one thing. You can live on very little food if you are getitng your protein and nutrients so take advantage of it!
You have been so successful. Realizing that there has been a change in your eating habits and taking control before things get out of hand is the way to prevent weight regain. Good for you.
Take care
Over a bit of time I didn't realize how bad my "grazing" had gotten until I hoped on the scale at the doctors office one day. I've been under a lot of stress this past summer up until recently and just didn't see that I was snacking too often. It may not have been a lot but you said it calories calories calories! Luckily I've got my red flag up so I'm trying to get back on track. Goin to get back into the gym this coming week. And of course...that time of the month is always the worst!
Good luck!