Weigh in Firday
Well the day after Thanksgiving and we are gonna weigh in...lol.. how are we doing this week. are week maintaining, loosing, or gaining.. sound off
Hope everyone had a great holiday and is enjoying their long weekend.
Last week 122
This week 121
And I ate a ton so go figure..
Still maintaining so I will take that..
Have a good one all
Ruby R.
on 11/23/07 1:08 am
on 11/23/07 1:08 am
I ate lots dressing/stuffing. It was of course full of carbs, and it was real salty. when I stepped on the scale this morning, I also had heart failure. I refused to write it down (which I do daily.) I will report in next week, but not today--just can not bring myself to type or write the number down.
Last week 134.2
this week ???
262/125 (highest/lowest)
rny 3/11/2005
I have to say I was pleasantly suprised today (the day after Thanksgiving)
last week 151
this week 151

Last week, 165, this week 168. I go up and down those 3 pounds all the time. I guess I'm still good.
When Half-Gods go, the Gods arrive.
Running along the mini-mall parking lot, swinging a jeweled axe, cometh Kahiah! And she gives a vengeful cry:
"Brace yourself, oh speck of dust! I hereby void your warranty, and send you back to God!!"