Alcoholism after WLS

on 11/20/07 10:58 pm

I am sure some of you are out there; those who have cross-addicted from food to alcohol and/or drugs. I just wanted to share my story to let you know that you need to take your situation seriously. For me, it started about 9 months post op.  I went to a wedding and had a glass of champagne for the toast.  No big deal.  I had socially drank before WLS and had not real problems.  A few months later, around the holidays, I had a few more glasses of wine at holiday parties; only this time, I could drink a few glasses at a time and , woooohooo, it really went to my head fast!  What a rush! By the first of the year, I was binge drinking whenever I did drink socially.  I would always get tipsy at every social outting and looked for more and more excuses to drink socially.  By summer, I was drinking every weekend, a bottle of wine at a time.  By now, I was blacking out when I drank.  For those who don't know, when you black out, you are still wide awake-you just have no memory of what you do or say!  Very scary!  Then I would pass out sometimes-have to go "lay down" and sleep.  I could wake up four or five hours later and start all over again! And no hangovers!   By the next holiday season, I was drinking one to two bottles of wine each night after working all day.  I would black out each night, not remembering who I called on the phone, what I said or did.  I hurt many  feelings and did many things I would never do sober.  Every event my husband I went to I would get drunk and my mouth turned to foul language (even to his elderly mother and our preacher!) and I would tell obese people to get bypass surgery!   I went to professional conferences and in the evenings would go to the bars in the hotels and close them down-not knowing how I was acting in front of my collegues.  The icing on the cake came when I flew to see my father and had to change planes three times.  I don't know how I ever made my connecting flights. I have no memory of them.  Thank the Lord I never drove drunk or ended up in some hotel room with someone I didn't know! Last Christmas, after hitting bottom and realizing I really did have a problem, I drug myself to my first AA meeting.  I was still somewhat in denial that I even had a problem since I had never had a problem prior to WLS.  Now, almost a year later, I OW I am an alcoholic.  I don't like it.  But I finally accepted it and am still sober.  Thank God for AA. My reason for putting myself out there about this subject is to hopefully help another potention WLS alcoholic who is in denial.  If you think you have a problem and your life has become unmanageable due to your drinking, PLEASE do something about it before your kill yourself or someone else.  We have come wayyyyyy toooo far to let drugs or alcohol set us back.   Hugs, BeeBee

(deactivated member)
on 11/20/07 11:15 pm - Phoenix, AZ
   Please join us over at the Addictions will find many supportive and loving people there.  Thank you for sharing this morning.  Happy Thanksgiving.  Take care - deb
Carolyn L.
on 11/21/07 3:36 am - Northborough, MA
Thank you.  I see myself beginning to go down this road.  I recently blacked out at my husband's 40th birthday party.  Luckily, it's been reported that I was amusing, but it scared me.  My alcohol consumption had been creeping up.  It's happened in the past and I've always been able to put the brakes on and go years without a problem after a few bad months.  Hopefully this will be another of those times.  But I will keep a close eye on it.
243 /222      /135    /135 /125  

Jessica M.
on 11/21/07 5:34 am - Roseville, CA
BeeBee,  Thank you for sharing. I too have noticed that although I get a "buzz" quickly from alcohol, I also get to the blackout/pass out stage quickly. I have no warning when it starts. Sometimes I'm fine..I can drink and drink and drink..and I just keep getting buzzed and then sober..and then buzzed and sober. I found as long as I continue w/ a glass of water between each drink I do okay most of the time. There does not seem to be a rhyme  or reason.  But, I know what you mean about "finding" reason's to drink..and that scares me. My father is an alcoholic and drug addict. I never thought I was a "food" addict..but I'm certainly addicted to smoking. I believe I could be at risk to be an Alcoholic. The thing is, I dont' think about it all the time.. I go months without drinking, even hang out w/ friends who are drinking and play designated driver...but lately..its been one event after another w/ Halloween and everything. I have been lucky to not "black out" outside of friends..but then again, i do not drink around people I work w/ because of the black outs..I think I'm going to have to but the kybosh on my drinking and go sober..  Thank you for posting this.. its a nice wake up call. My fear is that I'll wrap my car around a tree, or worse still another car with people in it. I dont' drink and drive.. but I also dont' remember what I did... Time to wake for me.. Jess
My journey is successful, only because I remember what road I was on when I started it..and my determination to never go back to that road will keep me going in the right direction.

269 / 140/ 135

Height - 5' 6"
Tracy B
on 11/21/07 10:41 pm - Erie, PA
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm sure it will be a great help to many that face this problem. As we all know, its pretty prevelant after wls and I'm sure there are many suffering in silence. I have not had this problem, but a year ago I did over indulge on alcohol and experienced one of those blackouts that you described. I literally do not remember 4hrs of my life~although I was told I danced the entire time and had a blast! It really scared me though and I hate the feeling of not remember those 4hrs. Thankfully my husband was with me to make sure I was safe and got home safely. I guess that experience scared me straight b/c I have not repeated it since and don't plan to ever again. Anyway, Congratulations to you for facing this head on and taking back control!!!! We are all here if you ever need us!!!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

Debra Welker
on 11/21/07 10:46 pm - Kaukauna, WI
I see myself in your post. I to started drinking socially at 9 months out. The only differance between you and I is that you are sober and I am not. I know I need to get it under control before something happens. The black outs really scare me, this is something I never did before WLS. Also the weight gain, most of the time I start a really nice supper and after a few drink I dont remember eating. Thanks for your post, I needed a wake up call, Debra
on 11/22/07 11:13 pm
Hi Debra and all *****sponded and all who are reading, I appreciate your comments and honesty.  I posted to this board and not to the Addictions Board because I know there are those who have issues or who may not realized they have issues after a year or so post-op and I thought that with the holidays coming up that maybe I might be able to make a difference in one person's life by sharing my story.  Your sharing hopefully will make you think twice and also help someone else, too. The thing about alcoholism is that it is a progressive disease, whether you are actively drinking or not.  Even if you stop for a while, it progresses.  So if I don't black out now until I have had say, four glasses of wine, after a year of being sober if I may black out after only two glasses!  The disease marches on.  The insanity of the disease is also the chatter that goes on in my head...."it will be different this time-you can have just one drink" or "try beer instead of wine" or "everyone else can drink just occassionally and be okay."  With an alcoholic, the outcome is always the same-smashed!  That's the insanity.  We think it will be different and it never is.  It only gets worse.  I have seen mothers loose their children because they drove drunk with their kids in the car.  I have seen people loose their jobs and their driver's licenses-all the things we thought could NEVER happen to "us"!   I had many meals I didn't remember, too.   I pray that you find the courage to stop.  Thanks again for sharing. Hugs, BeeBee
karen fryman
on 11/23/07 10:48 am - greensboro, PA
Hi Bee Bee, and Everyone,  I had a problem with alcohol & some drug use for years before my surgery. 6 months before my surgery ,,may 2005 ,,i had a car accident,,thank god, no ne else was involved ,,,i fell asleep at the wheel, croosed over the other side of the road, flipped my car into a ditch. i was very lucky, i wasnt hurt, just real sore,,couple of bumps and bruises..and i didnt kill myself or someone else. i didnt have another drin****il may 2007. i said i would never drink again,,,and after having the my surgery,,i couldnt imagine having a drink,,,i thought it would make me sick. well in may 2007, with my boyfriend,,well ex boyfriend now,,,we were visiting his cousin who also had the surgery,,,she asked me if i wanted a drink,,i said i was scared to drink alcohol,,she drank and she had no problem with it,,,so,,i tried a drink,,,vodka and crystal light,,,mmm,, it tasted good,,so i had another one,,wow,,it didnt bother my stomach. so, needless to say i started drinking socially again,,,wine,& vodka,,it got worse in the summer,,i blamed it on my boyfriend,,all of the stress, and our relationship wasnt good,,,,i was blacking out quite a bit,,,and doing things i would of never did sober,,,i started smoking pot again,,,which i hadnt done in years,,,i was definately out of control. when my realtionship ended with my boyfriend,,( he definately was an enabler) and a pot smoker...,the drinking and pot smoking stopped. i had to stop or i was going to kill myself. i thank god everyday for giving me the strength to stop.  i feel so fortunate to have a very supportive family and friends. AA is really good for some people,, i used to go years ago,,but dont feel i need to now.  Bee Bee hang in there, and everyone else,,remeber one day at a time.. karen
on 11/24/07 1:36 am - South Jersey, NJ

Where is the addictions board?   I did not know their was one.   is it just drinking,  or is it for shopping addictions also?  just wondering.     Thanks    Bridge





on 11/22/07 2:57 am - houston, TX
thanks for sharing this...drinking was my addiction after my surgery and i was heading to a dark place.. drinking myself to sleep excuse for not been able to sleep at nite so i would have a drink...i thank God tht i was able to stop myself or realise what i was doing...i still do drink once in a while is there is an occasion but not to the point tht i blackout ...2 glasses of magarita and am thanksgiving the nxt time i will drink is new birthday dec 31... Be blessed. let take care.

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