Alcoholism after WLS
I am sure some of you are out there; those who have cross-addicted from food to alcohol and/or drugs. I just wanted to share my story to let you know that you need to take your situation seriously. For me, it started about 9 months post op. I went to a wedding and had a glass of champagne for the toast. No big deal. I had socially drank before WLS and had not real problems. A few months later, around the holidays, I had a few more glasses of wine at holiday parties; only this time, I could drink a few glasses at a time and , woooohooo, it really went to my head fast! What a rush! By the first of the year, I was binge drinking whenever I did drink socially. I would always get tipsy at every social outting and looked for more and more excuses to drink socially. By summer, I was drinking every weekend, a bottle of wine at a time. By now, I was blacking out when I drank. For those who don't know, when you black out, you are still wide awake-you just have no memory of what you do or say! Very scary! Then I would pass out sometimes-have to go "lay down" and sleep. I could wake up four or five hours later and start all over again! And no hangovers! By the next holiday season, I was drinking one to two bottles of wine each night after working all day. I would black out each night, not remembering who I called on the phone, what I said or did. I hurt many feelings and did many things I would never do sober. Every event my husband I went to I would get drunk and my mouth turned to foul language (even to his elderly mother and our preacher!) and I would tell obese people to get bypass surgery! I went to professional conferences and in the evenings would go to the bars in the hotels and close them down-not knowing how I was acting in front of my collegues. The icing on the cake came when I flew to see my father and had to change planes three times. I don't know how I ever made my connecting flights. I have no memory of them. Thank the Lord I never drove drunk or ended up in some hotel room with someone I didn't know! Last Christmas, after hitting bottom and realizing I really did have a problem, I drug myself to my first AA meeting. I was still somewhat in denial that I even had a problem since I had never had a problem prior to WLS. Now, almost a year later, I OW I am an alcoholic. I don't like it. But I finally accepted it and am still sober. Thank God for AA. My reason for putting myself out there about this subject is to hopefully help another potention WLS alcoholic who is in denial. If you think you have a problem and your life has become unmanageable due to your drinking, PLEASE do something about it before your kill yourself or someone else. We have come wayyyyyy toooo far to let drugs or alcohol set us back. Hugs, BeeBee
on 11/20/07 11:15 pm - Phoenix, AZ

269 / 140/ 135
Height - 5' 6"
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"