Vitamin B12, B6 injections
My B12 runs $2.71 for 12 shots. I pay about 4/$1 for syringes. We do them weekly here.
B6 can be high in our population and it's the only B vite that can actually make you feel BAD if too high for prolonged time.
If you do this? Please be sure your B6 levels are being measured often.
No such thing as too high B12, tho. But dang, even if you buy the veterinary b complex, it's still going to run about $5/yr for the serum and whatever you pay for syringes. So, I'm thinking $20/yr to give yourself B complex shots.
Even when I bought my rx B12 at Costco, w/o insurance, it was $7 for a 30-shot vial.
See the pattern? Should be cheap, cheaper, cheapest.
B6 can be high in our population and it's the only B vite that can actually make you feel BAD if too high for prolonged time.
If you do this? Please be sure your B6 levels are being measured often.
No such thing as too high B12, tho. But dang, even if you buy the veterinary b complex, it's still going to run about $5/yr for the serum and whatever you pay for syringes. So, I'm thinking $20/yr to give yourself B complex shots.
Even when I bought my rx B12 at Costco, w/o insurance, it was $7 for a 30-shot vial.
See the pattern? Should be cheap, cheaper, cheapest.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
Yes, B12 and B6 injections can be given by your doctor and you should just have to pay a copay if you have health insurance. B12 and B6 does help with weight loss, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be drastic. When I had a difficult time loosing, I found all that all of my vitamin levels were deficient and once I recv injections I felt better and began to loose.
I do not think you should be paying $180 a month however. You can buy a good brand of B12 and B6 and take maybe higher doses.
Granted, there are things that help us loose weight but there is usually a gimmick with these things these days. Take the good information and tailor it to you!
Let me know how you make out. Yours in health, Samaria
The B12 diet, which is based around b12 injections is a little expensive, but it certainly works! I can't find a clinic where I live now, but when I was stationed in VA I went to two different ones. One right after I had my son, and lost 45 pounds; and another about a year later and lost another 50. The b12 isn't what makes you lose the weight though. It's a combination of appetite suppression, water pills, strict diet and exercise regimen, and then they give the b12 shots for energy and as a support device. It's really just to keep you from feeling fatigued and worn down by the cut in calories.