Vitamin B12, B6 injections

on 11/21/07 1:35 am
Any long term post ops taking injections for B12, B6? RD's - your thoughts on injections?   There is a weight loss clinic here that offers them.  Three x's a week, for about $180/mo.  A lot of people are losing a lot of weight with the injections.  I currently am not taking my vitamins.  I know, I know.  Anyone taking the injections and see a difference?  Also, do hospitals offer them for cheaper?  Also, I am not willing to inject myself, nor do I want any other family or friend to.  Thanks!
Kathy & Rich
on 11/21/07 1:52 am - Fairfax, VA

I cannot image how taking these injections would spur weight loss.    Seems like another diet "gimick" to me. If you are a post-op... you really need to take your vitamins.  Please do not put yourself at risk getting permanent nerve damage in feets and hands, being anemic and so many other health issues. Kathy

PinkRibbonLL.gif, Denis Ryan improved pink ribbon - 2002, thanks Denis! ~Kathy~5'7.5"~lap RNY~05/20/2005~ PinkRibbonLL.gif, Denis Ryan improved pink ribbon - 2002, thanks Denis! 279/276/244/160/148/185 (high/consult/preop/goal/low/current)
~6'5.0"~open RNY~08/05/2004~>500+/450/437/250/239/320(high/consult/preop/goal/low/current)
Kathy & Rich
on 11/21/07 1:58 am - Fairfax, VA
Looking around the web... it looks like the injections from diet centers are not just the vitamins.  They may include something called lipotronic or something called hcg. 400 Good luck, Kathy
PinkRibbonLL.gif, Denis Ryan improved pink ribbon - 2002, thanks Denis! ~Kathy~5'7.5"~lap RNY~05/20/2005~ PinkRibbonLL.gif, Denis Ryan improved pink ribbon - 2002, thanks Denis! 279/276/244/160/148/185 (high/consult/preop/goal/low/current)
~6'5.0"~open RNY~08/05/2004~>500+/450/437/250/239/320(high/consult/preop/goal/low/current)
Patti C.
on 11/21/07 2:48 am - Bel Air, MD
Hi... I am over 2 years post-op and inject myself with B12 monthly for a total cost of the injection, needles and alcohol pads no more than $35/YEAR!  The injections, done yourself, are not as bad as you might think. Patti
on 1/28/08 10:07 pm - Canada
Hello Patti, I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and cannot locate a b12 supplier.  There is a doctor in Ontario but that is 6hours from Montreal. Can you tell me please where you got your supplies?
on 5/11/12 4:27 am - Canada
 Hi Donna-W, I also live in Montreal and am interested in the B-12. Let me know if you get any info. Thanks
on 6/16/12 2:37 pm - Canada
Hi there, I get my B6 and B12 injectables at  a Pharmacy in Vancovuer, you don't need a prescription.
It costs about $40 for 30 ml B12 and $50 for B6 30 ml and 3 shots a week can last up to 3 months.  Much cheaper than the diet clinics.  I do it myself.
Hope this helps.
on 6/10/13 3:13 pm - Canada

Hi Valencia12345 I live in Toronto Ontario, is there anyway I can get them to ship the injection to me in Toronto? Can you please give me the telephone number of that Pharmacy in Vancouver so i can ask them if they can send it to me here in Toronto I will kindly appreciate your help Thank you....... 

on 6/12/13 4:46 am

In toronto you can get your dr to prescribe the med for you and teach you to give your own injections. Also what tyoe of sypplement are you taking for your protien and other supplements I know these are very expensive over time, I am considering having the vsg surgery in the usa or mexico and i have found a great supplement company that has great products and they taste good, I am starting them now to help get healthier before surgery. you can email me at [email protected]

on 7/26/13 12:25 pm

Hello, do you put both the B6 and B12 in one injection? How much of each? The syringes that I bought are 3ml.

Thanks for your help.


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