Dating after WLS..and a separation..
Hello out there, (Please do not flame me..we each have to go on our journey's in our own style) I am recently separated from my husband of 9 years and have moved out into my own condo and am enjoying the most amazing freedom. I've also noticed a tremendous surge in empowerment and confidence that I've never felt before in my life. Anyhow, at the urging of a few friends, I've attempted the online dating circuit. After 4 really, really disappointing dates, I'm hanging up the gloves. Is it too much to expect that the people who have a photo in their profile post a photo that actually looks like them? Last nights coffee date was a major disappointment because his photos were amazing and his profile was amazing and he was a middle school teacher who did counseling for troubled win right? NO, he looked NOTHING like his photo (his photo looked like a cross between Howie Long and Stone Cold Steve Austin) and his personality was awful..he appears to be a total tyrant to people including his daughter. Anyhow, the whole purpose of this post.. he kept looking at my arms. I wore a short sleeved dress and when I sit, or bend my little bit of hanging skin does a wrinkly thing. I have good muscle tone on them..its just the loose skin. Anyhow, I don't want to be self conscious, because that will cause problems going forward if it ever gets "intimate" w/ someone..but how have reactions been to loose skin from new interests? I will not see this guy again, but it bothered me that he kept looking at my arms... He was very athletic, apparently back in the day he was an olympic hopeful..but anyhow.. feedback? Jess
269 / 140/ 135
Height - 5' 6"
269 / 140/ 135
Height - 5' 6"
269 / 140/ 135
Height - 5' 6"
I feel you girl, I've been doing the online daiting thing as well, and I am amazed at the amount of deception involuved, men are lying about height, age, weight, and more importantly marital status. WHY LIE, especially if you have the intent of meeting someone? WHY? So after my subscription runs out this month, I'll be hanging my gloves up right next to yours...keep on trucking...
Aliya....and lovin it
I know RIght? What is w/ the lying? Its my biggest turn off, period! I'd rather have an honest guy who looked like a Toad than a Gorgeous greek god who lied to me. Seriously.. The thing that gets me is that they want to meet up w/ you...and they look nothing like their photos. They also act differently than the million emails that are exchanged. How odd.
Oh well, LOL I'm cool off all of this for a while. :)
269 / 140/ 135
Height - 5' 6"
Hey Girl,
You are not alone in how you feel. I have been divorced for over 7 years and have found that men are some really stupid jerks and will lie about everything. The last guy I met was online and he was what is profile said, except he left out stupid, sorry, and just plain annoying . So, I have also hung up my gloves too. Take care, our Mr. Right is out there waiting for us.

269 / 140/ 135
Height - 5' 6"