Am I being petty?
I have only seen my surgeon once since surgery 19 months ago and that was because I had an infection in my port (a seroma ) and he had to pack it. Otherwise he has this wonderful assistant named Betsy that does all his follow up appointments. You have to remember he is a very busy person and not that your not important and Im sure if you asked to see him you could or if there was a problem you would. Betsy was at his side at my before appointments and was in my room when I came out of recovery. I would also like a pat on the back or to have him see how well Ive done, he probably wouldnt even recognize me. Im sure you will be OK, and congrats on your weight loss, Debra
Sally, I'm not really sure how your surgeon's office decides but it may have to do more with the person who sets up the appointments than with the doctor. I do medical transcription and end up printing off schedules of doctors offices and, with the doctors that do have a PA, the doctor has a separate schedule than the PA does. You may want to tell the person making the appointment that you want an appointment to see the doctor, not the PA, if you didn't try that already. I haven't been back to see my surgeon since six months out from my surgery because we ended up moving and have moved three times since I had my surgery. I hope that makes sense. LOL
Let me know if I need to explain it a little better.

When I make my appointments it is--on my end at least--to see the surgeon. It is only after I arrive that I find out the PA is the one I'll see. I'm one of those who thinks through my conversations ahead of time--I'm not big on uncomfortable situations!--so I think that makes it worse when the other party changes on me last minute.
I do realize surgeons are busy especially this time of year when everyone is trying to get things done for insurance reasons. But I know he sees other patients for their yearly checkup, so I just expected the same.
I really do respect my surgeon, but his office does have some "cattle call" proceedures!
Dear Koukla,
Actually, I learned that a PA may have even less training than a nurse. They don't have to have any medical/nursing training before training to be a PA. It differs everywhere, and my surgeon's PA does have medical training--assists with surgeries.
I think I just saw this 2nd year heck up as the "closure" visit. My weight is stable, I've not had any complications, and, since he did my tummy tuck in July, it was kind of the last check on that as well. For the next three years, I could just get my blood work via email for all I care.
I guess I was just giving my desire for a final hurrah too much emphasis.
Sally yes I saw my surgeon every 6 months until last Apr., now I am scheduled for Apr 2008 and that will be 3 yrs 2months post op for me. I know my surgeon loves to talk and follow up with his patients. It also keeps me in check with my weight knowing I will be seeing him. He also brings in at least 2 fellows (he is teaching). I do look forward to my visits with him and he is 3 hrs from home so I hope he would never pull that on me.
Current weight:120 and still 5'4
I do not think you are being petty, and I feel the same way. All my follow-up appointments show as being scheduled with my surgeon (on appointment reminders, etc.), but every single appointment has actually been with one of his surgical fellows. Other than passing him in the hall, I have not seen my surgeon since my surgery. And my last appointment @ 18 months out with one of the surgical fellows was a waste of my time. He looked at my weight, said I was doing great, and was gone - he probably spent less than 4 minutes in the room with me. And I was particularly peeved because I had waited almost 2 hours beyond my scheduled appointment time to see him (and I had an 8:30 a.m. appointment to boot). So no, I do not think you are being petty. I feel the same way. And since this has happened to me so many times, I plan to ask my PCP if she can monitor my yearly bloodwork instead of going back to my surgeon each year. At least my PCP actually spends time with me and talks about my health, how things are going, etc. And honestly I think the only reason my surgeon is interested in me at this point is because I'm good for his statistics!!!