Home delivery food service ?
I was wondering what you guys all thought about home delivery food services? You know, where they send you food for the whole week, etc. I was looking into that. Any one of you are currently doing that, and if you know of some good ones, can you PM me the companies?
OR, can you give me tips on how to easily prepare my own food ( I mean, quick and easy b/c I am a full time student and I work full time too). Thanks!
I've heard about people doing Nutrasystem post op.....just because it's easy ....you can modify the plan slightly so that it will be higher in protein, but even still, you usually have to add a protein shake to get in enough grams of protein a day. On the bad side, I heard the food tastes terrible.
I've never thought about doing the zone program...it's extremly expensive...about 70 dollars a day by me.
I'd highly recommend making your own food ....just buy a bunch of better quality tupperware type products.......you know meal sized ones...and make big batches of food and freeze them.
If that is too time consuming...you can do a "TV dinner" type diet. My trainer tried to put me on it preop......basically you eat 2 high quality TV dinners (you know the high protein low carb ones) during the day, plus 3 high protein low carb snacks. Again you'd have to adjust this to your personal nutritonal needs, and it would be more costly then making food on your own.