has anyone had anything get stuck in their pouch?
Has anyone had anything get stuck in their pouch? I am 7 weeks out, I did the whole liquid phase, the puree phase, and I was eating about 3-5 oz. Now, I am on the thicker foods, pureed beans, saltine crackers with low-fat peanut butter, ground chicken with lite mayo, and I can only get down 1-2 oz. I wonder if these "thicker" foods have clogged my pouch? I had a stricture a week after my surgery and ended up back in the hospital for almost a week getting solumedrol via my IV so that my stricture (at the bottom connection site) would open. It finally did!!! But the fullness I am feeling now is different, it is not the strictures, so that rules that out. PLEASE, has anyone heard about a clogged pouched?
That is exactly how you should be feeling. When you are having liquids and purees, you can fit more in because there is no substance to it. When you actually start eating denser foods, it only takes a little bit to make you feel full. In a few months, you will be able to eat a little more. I'm almost 2 years out and can eat 6-8 ounces of dense food at a time now. But if I munch, I can eat a whole lot more over a few hours little at a time. That is called grazing and is not good to do. So eat your 3-5 meals a day of dense protein for a while with limited carbs and see how it goes. In a few months you should be about to eat 3 - 4 ounces at a time but it will come slowly. This is your honeymoon time as far as weight loss so take advantage of it!
Diona Austill
Miles City, MT
Miles City, MT
If something is stuck it would be kinda painful. When I have something stuck it's a sharp pain under the breast bone. I take papaya enzyme when this happens, some people mix 1/2 tsp of adolphs meat tenderizer with a little warm water and sip. When something is stuck it's almost torturous and I feel like I need to walk, walk, walk or wish I could throw up. Good luck. Ann
"Earning money is relatively easy; the challenge is earning just enough to enjoy the life you make with it." Veronique Vienne
"Earning money is relatively easy; the challenge is earning just enough to enjoy the life you make with it." Veronique Vienne