help loded with gas
I understand what you are talking about. I am 8 months post op and have had the same issues. I take either pepermint flavored gas x stripes. I also have used a chewable gas relief tablet. If I am eating Beans I sometimes will have a beano before I eat.
I also take colace at night with two fiber choice supplement. this helps greatly with regularity and ease of passing bms.
lab band
Gas can be caused by many things...and I'd highly recommend contacting yoru surgeon to get some imput.
On the lighter side...extreme gas can be caused by food intollerances. I had the DS, and I control gas by not eating things that would trigger it. I'm lactose intolleranct and intollerant of any type of sugar when I avoid these things, I'm good. But about 4 months ago, the gas got out of turned out that cheese (which up till this point agreed with me) all of a sudden stopped agreeing with me. So when I stopped the cheese...the gas went away. The same thing happened with eggs at about a year out....but I tried them again 5 months later, and they were ok.
So #1) avoid trigger foods that would make you gassy (it's different for everyone)
2) The type of gas that you are describing can be caused by an over abundance of bad bacteria in your intestines. One way to "solve" the issue is to use a OTC will help repopulate the good bacteria in your intestines that keep the bad ones in check. I'd highly recommend either culturelle (available at walmart) or Garden of life ...which is available at some natural food stores. Both probiotics are expensive but they are of a higher grade then some of the probiotics out there. Personally probiotics do not work for me, they always seem to make me more gassy, although some people swear by them.
3) going back to that bad bacteria....if you are in aposition where you need the gas taken care of right away....get a prescription for FLAGYL. It is a narrow spectrum antibiotic which kills the bacteria in your intestines....more specifically the ones that cause gas. You will be put on a 2 week stinit...but most people notice results within 2 days. I have used flagy ...and it has worked for me.
4) Use an OTC digestive enzyme. This will actually make you absorb more calories, so you might want to be careful about it. But the older we get, the less digestive enzymes we produce. We get "extra" (i say extra because everyone who lives gets gas...even preops).....because food is malabsorbed, and ends up in our large intestines and colon where bacteria attacks it. A digestive enzyme helps break food down, and causes you to absorb more...hence less gas.
When I travel I use omnigest...again available at take it with your major meals...and it really does help.
5) use a combination of the above.
I recommend contacting your surgeon in the beginning because only he can give you a prescription for flagyl....but also because gas can be caused by something else....a small kink or obstruction. Don't forget in the RNY and the DS, digestive enzymes don't actually meet food until a bit further down the digestive path. If you have a small obstruction in the path that carries the juices, and less are getting through, you will start to get more gas because less food is being absobed because you have less digestive enzymes in your digestive track. This is rare, but it does happen....and it's hard to narrow it down to this.....that is why you need your surgeon's imput.
I hope this helps.