Starting 5DPT today - any tips/hints? Did it work 4 you?
I'm excited and nervous but need to keep encouraging myself. So far I've had 1 cup reg coffee (usually have 2) and 1 cup decaf. Also, 1 1/2 scoops chocolate Isopure with water.
Wish me luck!!! I'm 221 today and have been stuck at 219-221 for 3 months!!! Of course, the carb monster has been tormenting me so I'm sure that's the reason for no loss but I don't want to keep gaining and never have reached goal.
The only thing that I can suggest is that if you feel like you need to or have to eat something go ahead. Just make sure it is on the list. Keep soups and puddings handy. I have also made a new friend with SF Edy's popsicles. Once you get past the liquid stage you will be fine. Good luck.
Surgery August 30, 2004
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle
Here's the link loulou
I'm on day 3. Just had two soft boiled eggs. Man oh man did they taste good! The 2 days of liquids went fast tho the first day not so much! They only "cheating" I did and not sure if it was cheating. I would suck on sugar free butterscotch candies when I absolutely felt like I wouldn't survive the two days. Kind of a pacifier I guess but it sure helped. Looking forward to staying on track. Good luck. Five days is certainly manageable and it really has helped to refocus me on what I know works. KarenC
Karen C
I have a question about this 5DT. Do you eat the same ounces you are suppose to 8? or just until you feel full. I am going to try this and see how I do. I am not loosing nor am I gaining but I want to get back under control cause I graze more than I should and eat some things I shouldn't. I don't on the other hand eat any breads no an over amt of sugar I do have some but a very very small amt if any.
Hi Bonnie, If you read the "more info" spot for each day it will give you a fuller explanation. For day 3 soft proteins it says 4-6 oz or 1 cup and eat only until you feel full, not overful. I'm on day 4 and feeling much more in control. I'm not hungry tho I do look forward to when it is time to eat. Two days of liquids was enough of a reminder even tho I like my protein shake! Good luck, Karen C
Karen C