Accountability.. what did you eat Wednesday
Another self-induced drama day...I had the last support group meeting last night and when I stopped at McD's for dinner (not the other restaurant for a LONG time!) I was good and ate what I intended but reached into my purse to find my keys and yup...I'd locked the car with the keys on the seat. Had they been in the ignition the car would have let me know but I stuffed my cell in the purse and left the keys ON THE SEAT. So I got to wait for Triple A to come and open the door and was about 6 minutes late for my support group...AAHH, Glad that day is over. My totals for the day: Breakfast: Cream of Wheat with banana and protein added (20 grams) Snack: roasted green peas (1/2 cup - this is two servings) Lunch: about a cup of chicken breast meat and a salad of loose leaf lettuce and spinach and a Homemade Protein bar Snack: 6 oz cup light NF yogurt. Dinner: Grilled Chicken Snack Wrap from McD's. Ranch on the side. Snack: 2 meat balls at the meeting. Bedtime snack: Homemade protein bar. Didn't get home till 9 pm so it was a long day from 4 am to 9 pm...and the carbs show it. Calories 1772 Fat 38 Carbs 207 Protein 131
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Whoo hoo.. look at that protein.. I am not worthy

See ya tomorrow.
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Please take care.. prayers are with you
6am: Achievone Vanilla Nut
11am: ground meat w/cheese & sour cream on a wheat tortilla
2p: Achievone Mocha Java
4p: Mushroom Burger
730p: Fage Yogurt w/Strawberry in Raspberry SF Syrup (yummy really really good) 1/2 cup of banana pudding OK OK I wasn't that good today I had some of the kids banana pudding (man how I wish I dumped on sugar gurr) man...I should have stopped but this is what yesterday looked like Calories 1366 Fat 54 carb 112 Protein 103